
Pink Shares A Photo Of That Parenting Tool People Just Love To Judge Us For

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 
Image via Instagram

Pink shares her most relatable mom post yet

Pink has already secured her place as our FMBFF (fantasy-mom-bff), because she’s always so down to earth and relatable when it comes to all things parenting. She took to Instagram this week to once again prove that she’s basically us — just a more famous, talented version.

Moms are always being slammed for their parenting decisions, whether they’re famous or not. Pink knows this all too well — she’s been chided for everything from drinking decaf while pregnant to letting her kid ride around her own house in her underwear.

This week, she posted a photo of one of those parenting tools people love to shame us for using — a pacifier. When she posted this pic, it’s no doubt she was prepping for some chiding from the #perfectparents of the internet.

“When you’re undressing after hot yoga and a pacifier flies out of your sports bra,” she writes. Then she hashtagged it, “Let’s have a debate about pacifiers” and “Can’t wait.”

But that chiding did not come, thankfully. Just a bunch of comments from other moms in solidarity:

“My little guy thinks my boobs are there to hold his and catch it when he spits it out.”

“No debate that’s just the best momma post ever! I’m forever losing shit in my bra and cleavage only to find it later.”

“Yep that’s where I always find them!”

We’re moms. Our boobs catch everything from errant snacks… to pacifiers. And while we’re on the subject of pacifiers, don’t let anyone shame you for using one. There’s no reason to freak out if your kid is a little attached to one. Yes, if you can get your kid off a paci between six and 12 months it may be an easier feat because they won’t be as attached. But do you know what a representative from the American Academy of Pediatrics says about the timeframe to get them out of your kid’s mouth to avoid speech or tooth problems? Four years old. Four. That’s reassuring, right? Most mothers I’ve heard worry about whether they’re allowing their child to use a pacifier for too long have children who are still around a year old.

Don’t let other parents chide your for using the tools invented to make your life easier.

Also — where can we get this pacifier?

This article was originally published on