
Reddit Thread Proves We Should Celebrate Our #MomFails More Often

by Christina Marfice

A Reddit thread asking moms to name their most sarcastic “Mom of the Year” moments is a great reminder that we’re all just doing our best

The last couple of years have been one struggle bus trip to the dumpster fire after another — especially for moms. Navigating lockdowns, mask mandates, remote learning, climate disasters, the ever-looming threat of a deadly virus — and trying to explain it all to kids, especially young ones, is a special kind of torture, and we hereby decree that all moms deserve a dang break in 2022. But before we get there, let’s take a moment to reflect on 2021, and all of our parental accomplishments. A viral Reddit thread is helping us see the humor in some of the biggest #MomFails of the year, while giving us a good laugh in the process.

Reddit user jackjackj8ck posted on the “Ask Reddit” forum, “What’s your mom of the year moment today?” and then specified that only sarcastic replies were allowed. After offering up, “Letting my 2 year old watch Venom 1 & 2” as their own “Mom of the Year” moment, jackjackj8ck sat back and let Reddit do its thing. And boy, did the site deliver. Ask moms to be sarcastic about their “successes” and you’re going to get a lot of camaraderie, very quickly.

What mom can’t relate to this user, who posted that they “tossed cheerios on the floor for my 10 month old while I sat on the couch so I could have 2 minutes of her not climbing all over me”? They added, ” I felt like an old lady feeding ducks,” and that mental image is honestly the perfect picture of 2020-2021 overall.

Here are some other replies that had us rolling from laughter, but also feeling a lot less bad about our own #MomFails. Misery loves company, amirite?

In conclusion, mamas, you are doing just fine. If your kids are alive and fed and sort of somewhat clean and uninjured (no, accidental bruises and head bonks don’t count), then you are winning the parenting game — especially after all the extra challenges the last few years have tossed out. Now, you know what you deserve? To have a glass of wine on the couch — and don’t be ashamed to toss your kids some Cheerios on the floor if that’s what it takes to get the few minutes of peace you deserve. At least you’re not the only one.