Regé-Jean Page Reads A Bedtime Story And Move The Hell Over, Kids

Mark your calendars for Mother’s Day, when you can start letting the voice of Regé-Jean Page lull you to sleep every night
It’s a good thing Netflix exists on the internet, because if Bridgerton were on a VHS tape, Episode 6 would be worn out from all the rewinding and rewatching, if you know what we mean. We’re absolutely obsessed with the show, and we’re not the only ones — it’s officially the most-watched show Netflix has ever produced. We have a little hunch as to why that is, and his name is Regé-Jean Page.
Is Page the hottest actor to come along in a generation? Yeah, pretty much. Does he have 30-something moms taping magazine pages to their bedroom walls like horny teenagers? Also yes. Basically, we’ll take any Rege content we can get our hands on. But this new project he has coming up? It’s still months away from happening, and we’re already straight swooning in anticipation.
Regé-Jean Page is going to read us a bedtime story. OK, maybe the point of this is for him to read our kids a bedtime story. And they’re welcome to listen, too, but once they’re all tucked in, you can bet we’re going to put this video back on for a little, um, mommy special alone time.
Here, just watch the preview. Make sure you have a fan ready. Maybe also a gym towel. No judgement here.
This new video is for a series by the British children’s TV network CBeebies, which lines up celebs to read bedtime stories for kids every day at 6:50. Page will be reading Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield, which tells the story of a young girl and her pet fox journeying together from a dark, sad, despairing world to one that’s full of love, light, and rainbows. Sounds like just the content we need in our lives right now, TBH. The full video will drop on Mother’s Day, which is May 9 this year, so whether you have any plans to celebrate the holiday or not, mark your calendar now.
Page is also starring in a new Netflix film called The Gray Man alongside Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. The movie is an action thriller based on a best-selling book by the same name by Mark Greaney. It’s also slated to be the biggest-budget, most ambitious film project in all of Netflix history. For someone whose star is rising as fast as Page’s right now, that’s only appropriate.
In the meantime, if you need to tide yourself over, there’s always that story-reading preview clip. It may be short, but it’s dehydrating us all nonetheless. And luckily, it’s also not on a VHS tape, so you can just go ahead and rewind and rewatch as many times as you need to between now and May 9.