Having A Bad Day? These Rescue Dogs And Their Abandoned Ducklings Should Help

Meet the adorable rescue dogs that are helping abandoned ducklings
Two rescue dogs will make your heart melt with their latest project — helping abandoned ducklings. In a powerful display of adorableness, Pikelet and Patty Cakes are quickly becoming internet famous as photos of them snuggled up with the ducklings circulate the web making everyone say, “awwwww.”
These sweet dogs are part of a loving Australian family that often partners with the Wollongong Animal Rescue Network to raise awareness about rescue animals. In March, the family was given the chance to foster the two orphan ducklings, now named Penguin & Popinjay, and cuteness ensued. Their mom wrote about the journey and shared incredible photos of the foursome with Bored Panda.
“Patty and Pikey take a lot of pride and care with their day to day duck duties,” Calley Gibson-Stoll wrote. “We often visit a local park where both the pups and ducks can run and play, and we even visit the small harbour dog beach where everyone can enjoy a swim together on really hot days.” She said the dogs and ducklings eat, sleep, and play together, which is clear in these wonderful shots.
Pikelet is an expert when it comes to making orphaned animals feel at home because he was one too. When he was about five weeks old, he wasn’t healthy and had deformed legs and a curved spine. A pound was going to put him to sleep when Big Dog Rescue saved him. He was nurtured for a month by foster parents before Gibson-Stoll adopted him in July 2013.
Are you beside yourself from cuteness yet? No? Keep reading.
Since then he’s helped other puppies his family fosters. “He was not just good around our foster puppies, rather he was quite incredible,” she wrote on his Facebook page. “Bonding almost straight away, Pikelet has a knack for welcoming orphaned puppies and teaching them how to dog.” Which is how he met his brother, Patty Cakes, who Gibson-Stoll says, is an “old soul in a squishy, perfectly adorable bull-breed mix puppy body.”
Both pups have become best friends with the ducklings, who are about four weeks old. The fabulous four will part ways soon, though, as the ducklings leave to meet their new forever home. Hopefully, the new family will bless the internet with the world’s most adorable play date soon.
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