
'Revenge Meatloaf': Gay Teen Makes Homophobic Mom's Top Secret Meatloaf Recipe Go Viral

by Christina Marfice
wsmahar/Getty and Tumblr

Forget your Thanksgiving turkey dinner — this year, everyone is making “revenge meatloaf”

Being an LGBTQ kid is hard enough in a world that still pretty openly discriminates against people for their sexual orientation and gender identity. Doing it without a supportive family is even harder. That’s why this LGBTQ teen decided to get revenge against an abusive mother by sharing her top-secret recipe with the entire internet, calling it “revenge meatloaf.”

“When I was little, my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food,” the unidentified teen wrote on Tumblr. “I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was 19? She finally taught me but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay.”

So mom had a top-secret family recipe for this meatloaf the teen liked so much. That’s cool. Lots of families have recipes that get passed down; that’s a great tradition between a mother and child.

Oh, until you get to the end.

The poster added, “Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe.”

And what follows is what looks like a pretty solid recipe for meatloaf. I’d sure eat it, even though I’m not the biggest fan of meatloaf. Maybe it’s the revenge factor that has so many mouths watering.

The post was originally shared on Tumblr, but a mom of another LBGTQ teen took a screenshot and posted it to Twitter, where it went pretty viral.

Based on the responses the tweet has been getting, a lot of people are scrapping their plans for a traditional turkey dinner this Thanksgiving and planning to try out a good ol’ revenge loaf instead. And power to them.

Even people who don’t eat meat want to try making this meatloaf, all in support of the teen who posted the recipe.

We can get fully behind this, because while there are many worse things that homophobic and abusive parents deserve, having their secret meatloaf recipe shared with thousands of people online is a pretty harmless comeuppance. Plus, people all over the internet are now eating a delicious, meaty meal and supporting a kid who really needs the support, all at the same time. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that needs to have their secret family recipe stolen and posted online.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we hope this teen is safe and happy with people who love and cherish them, like they deserve. And we hope they’re eating some of this delicious meatloaf to celebrate.