The New Ruth Bader Ginsburg Documentary Trailer Is Everything

“RBG” is everything you need right now
There’s nobody quite like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, aka, the Notorious RBG. The 84-year-old icon is a Supreme Court Justice, a long-time champion for women’s rights, and has a workout routine that would bring all of us to our knees (seriously, it’s very, very intense). She also has a new documentary coming out and the trailer will make you want to simultaneously weep, cheer, and go take on the world.
RBG, which hits select theaters on May 4, looks back on the Justice’s life — starting with her days as a young lawyer fighting for female equality. “I became a lawyer when women were not wanted by the legal profession,” she explained in the trailer “…I did see myself as kind of a kindergarten teacher in those days, because the judges didn’t think sex discrimination existed.”
Gloria Steinem, who also appears in the documentary, is 100% right when she describes Ginsburg as pretty much the closest thing to a superhero we’ve got. And this is coming from Gloria Steinem. Ahhhh, movies featuring strong women talking about strong women. That is literally all the endorphins I’ll ever need.
The film touches on Ginsburg’s longtime romance with her now-deceased husband (“He was the first boy I ever knew who cared that I had a brain”) and her celebrity status (“I’m 84 years old and everyone wants to take a picture with me”). We’re also treated to shots of Ginsburg powering through weight lifting and planking like nobody’s business.
“I’ve heard that she does 20 push-ups, three times a week or something,” one of her friends commented. “We can’t even get off the floor. We can’t even get down to the floor.” Same. Same.
Side note: I honestly never knew that watching RBG fiercely working out at the gym would bring me so much joy, but by God it really does.
Image via Magnolia Pictures
Image via Magnolia Pictures
For those of you worrying about RBG keeping her seat in the Supreme Court— take a long, deep breath. Ginsburg isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“As long as I can do the job full steam, I will stay here,” she told the New Republic. “I was number one last term in the speed with which opinions came down. My average from the day of argument to the day the decision was released was sixty days, ahead of the chief by some six days. So I don’t think I have reached the point where I can’t do the job as well.”
Here’s to many, many more years of dissent, planks, and RBG being an all around a fierce, wonderful human being.