So, You Sent Your Kid To A Montessori School?

So, you’ve sent your kid to a Montessori school?
Here’s what might happen next, as chronicled in “daily reports”:
What a great first day for Ava! She is so content to work on her own. Mostly because she won’t let anyone touch her, but she seems to be enjoying her space!
Tired girl today! Had trouble napping through the drum circle, but we know she’ll get there 🙂
Lunch: avo, PB apples, some ancient grains
Ava is really finding her voice! She is by far the loudest child in the class, which is the award she’d get if we did awards, which we definitely don’t because #patriarchy, but still!
Thanks for the change of clothes! Forgot to mention that we don’t allow anything with words or patterns or colors, so we put her in a locally sourced hemp poncho. So fun! 🙂
Ava loved climbing on the playground! She is getting so strong. Although, not that strong? Have you considered installing a brachiation bar at home? All you need is some unblemished pine and 14 feet of available wall space. It’s super easy!
Happy 2nd birthday to Ava! Sorry to send back the three dozen personalized cupcakes 🙁 But we know you and the children understand and feel their special birthday walk in the sunshine is so joyful and really the best treat there is!
Lunch: kale chips, kefir, gluten-free crackers
Ava had such an androgynous day today! One of the subs thought she was a boy 🙂 So exciting to see her subvert gender binaries!
A reminder we close early Tuesday in honor of the vernal equinox, so please pick up your children by 9:45 a.m.! Happy first quarter moon! 🙂
Lunch: oatmeal, nam pla, persimmon
Ava is getting so ambitious! She is such a Capricorn. Which is why it’s funny she’s a Virgo? Have you considered having someone do her chart? Only if you want to! Our assistant guide is a certified astrologist FWIW 🙂
Haha, Mason used Ava’s diapers to build a fort 🙂 Can you send more? In the meantime, we’re keeping her in the backyard. Free-range kiddo!
A reminder about the Parent Ed Night tomorrow at 4 p.m.! Should be a wonderful talk on “How to Say No Without Saying No” and other things to keep front of mind. Don’t forget next month’s talks on child-led potty training and building tiny chairs!
Sorry re: rash confusion! Full-body hives pic meant for Livvy’s parents, obvs!
Did you get the incident report? Lucien took Ava’s shape sorter so she cut him with a baby mum-mum 🙁 Just a scratch but if you could sign the form and maybe not send sharp food for a while that would be great!
Hi Montessori Pumpernickel Class parents! A reminder you all have 50 classroom volunteer hours to complete by the end of the week so let us know if you want to help out and avoid the $400 fee! Some current “wants”: master carpenter to build custom reclaimed-wood bookshelves, lepidopterist to lead off-site butterfly expedition, experienced kombucha-maker to help care for the classroom SCOBY. Also someone to guide lower school in traditional Japanese tea ceremony??? Email the office if you are interested! More opportunities to come!!!
Another crazy day! Toddlers made good on mutiny threat and locked us all in the closet LOLz 🙂
Hi all! So, one of our friends has been coming to school with “pink eye” and “spreading” it! Not saying it’s intentional, just that we’ll be closed indefinitely for sanitizing and to have the classroom smudged with sagebrush.