
The Back-To-School Shopping List Every Mom Needs To Empower Her Girl

Summer-to-fall essentials that are anything but basic.

Written by Erin Celletti

Whether your girl is pumped about entering the next grade or anxious about starting at a brand new school, back-to-school season is sure to bring with it a lot of emotions. For moms and daughters alike, that first day bell often means nerves about everything from new teachers, shifting friend groups, and even lunchroom seating charts. No matter where your kiddo is on their journey, the anticipation of the unknown is enough to give anyone a healthy dose of butterflies. (I’m already thinking about all this and more as my own heads off to kindergarten in September. Cue the tears.)

As parents, we always want to do everything we can to make these childhood transitions as smooth as possible. As my own girl gets older, I’ve learned that empowering her to be the strongest and happiest version of herself is about more than just heart-to-hearts and positive behavior modeling. And for all kids — but particularly for girls — an essential part of building their confidence is making sure they have a flexible, versatile wardrobe of go-to styles that make them feel their absolute best.

To help parents on this (truly lifelong) journey of lifting up their daughters, Scary Mommy teamed up with Athleta Girl, a brand known for making girls feel comfortable and confident throughout those early life stages. Together, we’ve created a must-have shopping list that includes quality and resilient essentials that’ll help her tap into her inner strength in the classroom, on the field, and everywhere else this new year takes her.