Sia Shuts Down Creep Trying To Sell Nude Photos Of Her By Posting Them Herself

All hail Sia, queen of the clapback
Finding out some creep is shopping your nude photos online has gotta be every celebrity’s (or normal person’s, TBH) nightmare. In the age of cloud photo storage, it’s astonishingly easy for hackers to nab nudes that were clearly meant for certain eyes, and not the internet, which is where they inevitably end up. Or, in the case of Sia, for a photog with a telephoto lens to grossly invade her privacy and take shots of her naked backside.
But when Sia caught wind that some sleazy pap was trying to sell naked photos she clearly didn’t know were being taken, she did not dissolve into a wine-drunk, sobbing puddle on her kitchen floor like I would have in a similar situation. Instead, she took full, badass ownership of the entire situation, and tweeted her naked photo to all her fans.
“Someone is apparently trying to sell naked photos of me to my fans,” she wrote. “Save your money, here it is for free. Everyday is Christmas!”
For those who don’t know, Everyday is Christmas is also the name of the holiday album Sia is currently marketing, so not only did she destroy the creep who’s trying to profit off violating her, but she turned it into a plug for her new album.
Mic dropped.
Sia’s followers were immediately here for it.
Sia is notoriously photo-shy, and almost always covers her face with wigs, masks and other accessories when she performs. That makes it even more gross that this happened to her, and clearly without her knowledge or consent.
Image via Theo Wargo/Getty Images
Still, the way she shut this whole situation down is inspiring. Hopefully this will make creepy paparazzi think twice before they try to fuck with strong women.