Why I'm Forever Grateful For My Son's Pediatric Therapist

Stephanie O.
As my son turns 3 years old and transitions out of early-intervention services for his special needs and into the school system, a few thoughts come to mind. “Thank you” is not enough as we prepare to say goodbye. You have been there from tube feedings to spoon feedings, from barely rolling to walking, and from sign language to spoken “I love yous.” Pediatric therapists are a gift you never knew you needed but are so grateful to have worked with.
Thank you for pushing my son to be the best he could be.
Thank you for not giving up through the screaming, hitting and biting.
Thank you for never accepting his self-limitations as the final goal and always looking for another way to teach him a concept.
Thank you for coming to my house and not judging me if it wasn’t spotless or tidy.
Thank you for giving me a few-minute reprieve when I needed it.
Thank you for teaching me how to use everyday items in my house as an obstacle course.
Thank you for giving me strategies to get my son to eat.
Thank you for helping me handle sensory issues.
Thank you for listening to my fears and concerns about transitioning to school.
Thank you for being someone my son can trust and love.
Thank you for being a friend.
Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have encountered you. You have been there for some of our greatest inch-stones and our largest milestones, and shared the same excitement and pride as if my son were your own. Thank you for having more ideas, strategies, patience and passion than most people I have ever met.
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