Rejoice, Moms: Coffee Can Actually Help You Live Longer

Experts say drinking coffee can help you live a longer life
Attention coffee lovers of the world: that magical brown stuff makes you live longer. It’s even published in a medical journal and shit, so there.
A team at the National Cancer Institute analyzed data from British participants aged 40 to 69 who were taking part in a large genetic study — U.K. Biobank. More than half a million people volunteered in the study, giving blood and answering lifestyle questions geared toward genes and health NBC News reported.
Their findings? Even the heaviest coffee drinkers (up to eight cups a day!) had a lower risk of death over ten years than non-coffee drinkers. Their findings were reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s JAMA Internal Medicine.
What’s more — whatever cup of Joe you prefer (including instant and decaf) it doesn’t seem to matter — they all benefit your long-term health, though I’m totally judging you decaf drinkers.
Overall, coffee drinkers were 10 to 15 percent less likely to die than abstainers during the decade of study follow-up. Differences in how much a person consumes and genetic variations were marginal, which is great for all parents who’ve been hooked up to a coffee IV since their kids were born.
“Coffee drinkers, compared with non–coffee drinkers, were more likely to be male, white, former smokers, and drink alcohol,” NCI’s Erikka Lotfield, study lead reported as moms everywhere laughed and laughed and poured their third cup of the day.
There are many possible explanations as to the health benefits of coffee — namely, it’s the number one source of antioxidants for humans, Healthline reported. It also reduces inflammation in the body and can help burn fat. Several studies also show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65 percent lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.
“Participants drinking four or more cups per day, compared with those drinking less coffee and nondrinkers, were more likely to drink instant coffee and be current smokers, whereas participants drinking one to three cups per day were older, more likely to have a university degree, and more likely to report ‘excellent’ health,” the study reported. Coffee drinkers were more likely than abstainers to drink alcohol as well as smoke, but researchers took those factors into account, and coffee drinking seemed to cancel them out, The New York Times reported.
Unless having a kid causes so much stress that it cancels out drinking coffee, alcohol, and smoking, this here is the best news all of the parents have heard in, forever. Praise be.
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