8 Signs You’ve Taken This Crafting Thing Too Far

It starts with a simple knitted scarf. And before you know it — BAM! — crafting has taken over your entire life. Of course, there’s nothing necessarily wrong with making all your teacher gifts by hand, wanting to add paper flowers to literally everything, or diving for discarded ribbon at baby showers.
Those things are totally normal, right?
Yes, yes, of course, totally normal. But it’s also possible that you’ve taken it a bit too far and gone quaaazy for crafting. Here are 8 signs you may need to think about reining it in.
1. Whether it’s donuts, sweaters, earrings, or tamales, you’ve looked at it and thought, “Pssh! I could make that.”
And the thing is, you’re usually right!
2. Stenciling is one of your core values.
What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love, and cake stenciling?
3. You’re way more excited about new craft tutorials than new blockbusters.
“No, thanks. I think I’m just gonna settle in with this new tutorial on stamping techniques.”
4. Watching someone craft wrong makes you BONKERS.
You’ve actually approached strangers with gentle suggestions for how they could do it better.
5. You’ve devoted most of your living space to crafting.
Who really needs a dining room anyway?
6. Your friends never, ever have to ask you what you want for any gift-giving occasion.
Spoiler: It’s crafting supplies. It’s always crafting supplies.
7. You don’t give up. No matter what.
It doesn’t matter how frustrating a project is, there’s always a new one to try. You just move on to the next one. And you’ll figure out something to do with that soldering gun later.
8. You find yourself driving by yard sales that aren’t on the way home.
Because you are absolutely convinced there is nothing — nothing! — that can’t be repurposed. In your crafty little hands, any and all castoffs can be totally transformed by upcycling.
Whether it’s baking, sewing, quilting, jewelry-making or paper crafts, Craftsy Unlimited lets you do ALL THE THINGS. And if someone makes a crack about all your new projects, just let it go. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
Craftsy is the digital destination where more than 13 million passionate makers come to get inspired, create and share.