
The Dilemma: New Year’s Eve

The Dilemma: New Year's Eve

by Team Scary Mommy
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New Year’s Eve is a great time of year to be with friends and family. Whether you like drinks and dancing or pajamas and bed, here’s some funny responses to how to handle New Year’s Eve. Subscribe to Scary Mommy:

Our hilarious pairs take on New Year’s Eve and the hot button debates like: Should you call or text your family? Hint: You should call your mom. But what if you’re of the “no call” generation? Should you make New Year’s Resolutions? And how many should you make? There’s no wrong answer, only funny responses. Although, let’s be honest, should we be making goals for ourselves when drinking on New Year’s Eve? Probably not.

New Year’s Eve is the one time of year when parents have to make some interesting New Year’s Eve choices: Go out or stay at home? Personally, I think it’s the perfect excuse to stay home.

More about The Dilemma: The Dilemma is just that — a dilemma that begs to be solved. In this series, our pairs take on topics like: pooping in public, kids and social media, and text etiquette. Whether it’s a kid versus a grandma or a single guy versus a seasoned mom, this diverse real cast goes at it and leaves us all laughing.

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