10 Times 'This Is Us' Made Us Sob Like Babies (Potential Spoilers Inside)

We are a nation obsessed with This Is Us. Ever since the show premiered in September, you would be hard-pressed to find someone in your life who isn’t completely and 100% addicted to their weekly dose of the Pearson family. Through rich storytelling, compelling and flawed characters, and poignant moments, it’s impossible not to love everything about this show. Whether you identify with Kate and her wellness journey, Randall’s need for perfection or Kevin’s struggle to find himself, This Is Us continually reminds us that our lives are a beautiful mess of emotions, pivotal moments, and people who change our lives.
And week after week, we show up so that we can have The Ugly Cry. If you are like me, you settle into the couch with three things: a glass of wine, a big bowl of popcorn, and an entire box of tissues at the ready. Because let’s face it: Jack, Rebecca, Kate, Kevin, and Randall have the capacity to make us cry at the drop of the hat. And don’t get me started on Toby and his romantic ways, or Dr. Katowski and his gruff, Southern accent and wise advice.
OMG, I’m crying just thinking about how much I love this show for making me cry. I rounded up some of the most infamous scenes, and I hope you’re wearing waterproof mascara.
1. That Moment in the First Episode When the Story Comes Together
You know what I’m talking about, right? That moment, at the end of the first episode, when you realize that Jack and Rebecca’s storyline is a flashback and that Kate, Kevin, and Randall are the triplets? OMG, the storytelling and that beautiful, delicious moment when we all realized that This Is Us was going to be goood had us ugly crying on couches all across the country.
2. The Lemonade Story
When Dr. Katowski, played by Gerald McRaney, addresses Jack after the devastating loss of their third triplet, he tells a gut-wrenching story about the loss of his own child. As we listen to him tell the story, it’s impossible not to sob when he tells Jack that he was handed “the sourest lemon life had to offer and tried to make something resembling lemonade.” And when he tells Jack that he thinks his babies “got a good one”? Stick a fork in me, I’m crying again.
3. “Only Good Things Will Happen Today”
Jack says these words to Rebecca as she’s panicking during the delivery of their triplets. With his quiet strength, he makes us sob into our sleeves when he gently reminds Rebecca that their lives will change for the better with the birth of their babies. Seriously, could someone get me a tissue already?
4. Young Kate and the Magic Shirt at the Pool
The scene where Jack produces a “magic shirt” to help Kate deal with the mean girl bullying at the pool not only made us cry, but it also made us love Jack even more than we already did.
5. The Push-Up Scene
In an effort to show his son that he will always support him, Jack does a push-up with Randall on his back during a karate class. We silently sobbed because, like Jack, we would do anything to make sure our kids know how much we love them — even push-ups.
6. The Moment When Kate Lets It All Out During a Fitness Class
For those of us who have struggled with our weight, coming to terms with the reasons behind our binge-eating isn’t easy. Watching Kate beat the floor with drum sticks as she processes the demons that have chased her for her entire life leads to a scene that has us rage crying right along with her. BRB, I have to blow my nose.
7. William Died and All I Can Say Is Two Words: THE. DUCKS.
Enough said.
8. The Snow Globe Scene
We meet Dr. Katowski later in the series, this time, seemingly dying after a car accident. In a twist befitting This Is Us, Jack and Rebecca happen to be at the hospital because Kate needs an appendectomy. Randall learns that Dr. K helped lead him to the Pearsons, and with childlike simplicity, Randall gives Dr. K a snow globe as a thank-you. When Dr. K says, “If at some point in your life, you find a way to show somebody else the same kindness they showed you, that’s all the present I’ll need. But I sure do like that snow globe,” we all collectively sobbed like babies. Oh, and did I mention it was Christmas? Aaannnd, I’m sobbing like a baby — again.
9. Basically Anything Toby Says Makes Us Sniffle
Toby is seriously the sweetest boyfriend ever. Whether he’s asking Kate to be “fat friends” with him or treating her to a day where she feels like a celebrity, he makes us swoon in every single episode. And when he keels over during the family Christmas Eve party after flying cross-country to declare his love for Kate? Well, let’s just say I cried for an hour after that episode. Because Toby. Duh.
10. Randall’s Breakdown
Quite possibly the most poignant scene to date is when Randall suffers an anxiety attack in his darkened office. The raw, real portrayal of what anxiety really looks like when it rears its ugly head had us crying in solidarity. We’ve all been there when life has gotten to be too much, and watching Randall fall apart made us feel normal in our own struggles.
I could go on and on about the moments in This Is Us that have made us cry together. Whether it’s Dr. Katowski telling his wife’s gravestone that he’s moving on or finding out that William is being reunited with his partner, This Is Us has helped us find our feelings in a way few shows have ever done.
If you haven’t watched the show, now would be a good time to grab a box of tissues and start binge-watching the best series on network television.
And for those of us who love to ugly cry during This Is Us from week to week, we haven’t even found out how Jack died yet.
God help us all during that episode.
This article was originally published on