
This Little Girl's Fruit And Veggie Dresses Are Bananas

by Megan Zander

Well placed produce + adorable kid = best photos ever

Looking for a way to take some super cute photos of your kids in fun costume? Rather than heading towards the closet, one mom is finding inspiration for new looks for her daughter in the refrigerator.

Alya Chaglar from Antalya, Turkey uses fruits, veggies, and even the odd plant to create fun “dresses” for her three-year-old daughter Stefani.

Their fresh looks (get it?) are getting plenty of attention on Instagram, where they have over 30,000 followers and counting. How could they not? Look how simple but fun this broccoli dress is:

Chagler tells Huffington Post the hobby started last year with a slice of watermelon. She held up the fruit while her daughter was standing away from her, and the rest was history.

“She enjoys modeling,” Chaglar said. “She struck a pose spontaneously and her facial expression was hilarious.”

Rather than try to plan out new looks, the two wait until Stefani’s in the mood to pose and mom finds a good idea for a new “dress.”

“It makes me happy to see that people from around the world enjoy our pictures.”

This one should really come in a fabric version.

We suddenly know what we’re going to do with all that fruit the kids aren’t eating.