Toddler Hosts Epic Tea Party For Officer Who Delivered Her

Cheers to a lifelong friendship
To celebrate her first birthday, Evelyn Hall had a tea party with a special friend — the police officer who helps bring her into this world a year ago.
You might remember the story of Destiny Hall, the pregnant woman who went to the hospital but was told to go home and come back when her contractions were closer together. She went home, only to realize that the baby was coming now, so she and her husband Caleb started a 45 minute race to the hospital.
Deputy Constable Mark Diebold of the Texas Tarrant County police force caught up with them and was giving them a police escort to the hospital when Destiny realized the baby wasn’t going to wait for the delivery room. With the help of Officer Diebold, Evelyn Joy Debora was born in a gas station parking lot.
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
The Halls honored Officer Diebold in their daughter’s newborn photos, and since then they’ve stayed in touch. “The relationship between us and Mark is family,” Destiny Hall tells Scary Mommy. “We have eaten together multiple times together, text a lot and and send him pictures of Evelyn to keep him posted on her milestones.”
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
With Evelyn’s first birthday approaching, the Halls knew they wanted to do something special to honor the man Evelyn and her older brother Liam know as “Uncle Mark.” They again called photographer Cyndi Williams to take some adorable snaps of Diebold and Evelyn sharing a cup of tea.
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
The results are ridiculously cute.
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
Look how happy they are!
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
“The photo shoot was just so precious!” says Hall. “It actually was a real bonding moment for Evelyn and Mark. He is a big guy and I think she was intimidated by him, but him getting on her level and clinking tea cups won her heart and by the end of the shoot she was just laughing and letting him hold her.” Sometimes all it takes is a plastic tea cup to win a toddler over forever.
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
Hall says her daughter’s wild birth helped inspire her name. “We named her Evelyn Joy Debora,” she explains. “Evelyn means life, Joy for what she has brought and Debora for her Mimi who passed 3 days before she was born.”
The family is thrilled that their story and the friendship that’s resulted has touched so many people. “Her birth happened at a dark time for police officers,” she says. “To hear from so many cops and their families the hope it brought them was a blessing.”
Image via Cyndi Williams Photography
“I wouldn’t of changed the way she came in for nothing,” Hall reflects. “God had a divine appointment for us for sure. We couldn’t have planned this if we had tried!”