Toddler Sports Program Canned By Neighbors Who Can’t Stand The Laughter Of Small Children

Toddler sports program usually had no more than five kids at a time
The sounds toddlers make while playing sports are apparently too loud for one neighborhood that people complained until the kids were kicked out of the park.
A children’s sports program called Sportball was meeting at Lynndale Parkette three times a week for a total of six hours. Sadly, the kids who attended the program and the organizers are no longer allowed to meet at their original location. Neighbors complained of an “unsafe and noisy environment” until the kids were kicked out permanently, the Toronto Star reported.
An unsafe and noisy environment. They’re toddlers.
“They’re not even able to play a game yet,” Cathy Abji told reporters in between laughs. “They’re just moving around pylons and just having fun.” Abji’s 4-year-old daughter, Asha, is part of the program that teaches kids elementary sports skills. The kids range in age from 16 months to 5 years old, and no more than 10 kids are allowed in class, but the average attendance typically includes five children.
In the two weeks since the sports sessions launched at Lynndale Park neighbors “inundated” city officials with complaints, according to local Councillor Gary Crawford. He said some citizens complained about a permit being issued for the group at all. So the kids were booted from the park and organizers were told their organization and parents would face fines if they returned, Sportsball Manager Carmella Gelgor told journalists.
“When the city says you have to move, you move,” Gelgor said. It’s understandable that the program would move when faced with fines. It’s not acceptable that a city would cave to the complaints of a few neighbors, though. What did they expect to hear when they moved next to a park? And what are they going to do if their precious park becomes a hot spot for Pokémon Go players? Parks are created for their community – not just the neighbors who complain the most.
“It’s completely ridiculous,” Abji shared. “How can little kids be that disruptive? They’re just having fun. They like the water breaks more than anything.” Apparently, many neighbors did agree with Abji and other parents and were confused when they found out the city kicked the toddlers out. “It really doesn’t make sense. That’s what a park is for,” said Brian Hill, whose home backs up to the park. “I live right on it and I heard no sound.” He said he played sports in the same park as a kid and that they “made a lot more noise then!”
Hill wasn’t the only confused neighbor. Paul Stoner also has property right next to the park and said he wasn’t even aware of the program. With the first class starting at 9 a.m. and the last one ending at 7 p.m. it is easy to see how someone wouldn’t have noticed four to five toddlers playing. “I didn’t hear or see them,” Stoner said.
The unruly gang of youth has since moved their rowdy activities to Blantyre Public School, which is less than 20 feet away. Hopefully, the neighbors in that area can handle the wild and crazy fun that’s made these toddlers famous.
This article was originally published on