Trey Kennedy Nails How Every Mom In America Feels During Corona Quarantine

Kennedy nails what parents are going through right now
If you’re not already following comedian Trey Kennedy on social media, you have been seriously missing out. His hilarious videos are about everything from how girls behave during the summer to moms in general to what it’s like living with a middle schooler, and they are so spot on you feel like he’s actually watching you inside your home. Kennedy created another parody about our new coronavirus-induced reality titled, “Every mom in America right now,” and you will feel every single second of it.
Kennedy starts the video after hearing schools will be closed indefinitely by saying, “Oh Jesus, give me strength,” and I can relate to this on a visceral level. He then proceeds to spray his kid (aka himself) with Lysol and takes a stand on not spending the entire time at home playing video games.
Of course, the attempts at chores, school work, and cleaning closets are interrupted with meltdowns and temper tantrums (from moms, not kids) because omg why is every room filled with a child needing something all the damn time?
Facebook/Trey Kennedy
Cue some flailing around, a few 69 jokes (he’s playing a tween, so) and 547 “I’m bored” comments and this video is pretty much all of our lives right now. But the peak of Kennedy’s mom-ness comes when he just wheels the whole liquor cart into the bedroom. There’s a reason liquor stores across America have lines out the door right now.
Facebook/Trey Kennedy
Kennedy also spends some time just quietly crying on the couch because we are on day five and it’s slowly starting to dawn on parents everywhere that this is only the beginning. Add in those of us who now work from home in their full-time jobs while also trying to homeschool our kids and keep some semblance of sanity and crying on the couch may become an everyday activity.
Facebook/Trey Kennedy
Of course, the whole experience wouldn’t feel real without a bunch of yelling back and forth to “shut the hell up” because, though we’re all social distancing, the volume in our homes has somehow reached an all-time high.
Kennedy provides some much-needed levity right now — laughter we can all use in these uncertain and, frankly, terrifying times. None of us knows how long this will last, how long our kids will be home, or when life will feel “normal” again. It’s a sobering time for everyone, but Kennedy’s video is also a reminder that we’re all in this together, no matter how alone we may feel.