
Trump Just Suggested His Gun-Loving Followers Could Shoot Hillary If She's Elected

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 
Image via Sara D. Davis/Getty Images

Trump suggests his Second Amendment-loving followers could stop Hillary if she’s elected

Our Republican nominee for the President of the United States of America just basically suggested assassination is a viable option to stop Hillary Clinton from selecting Supreme Court Justices if she’s elected.

He just suggested today to a crowd of followers in Wilmington, Delaware that one of his supporters could shoot Hillary Clinton to stop her from picking Supreme Court justices if she becomes president.

Trump said, “By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although, the Second Amendment people maybe there is. I don’t know.”

Of course his supporters will say that he’s “kidding.” Or tell those of us who are disturbed by the thought of a presidential nominee suggesting his opponent be assassinated that we’re too “politically correct” to take a joke. This is not funny.

None of this is funny.

Donald Trump is dangerous.

He could very well have just provoked an assassination attempt against Hillary Clinton. His followers have taken up for him before, and been congratulated for their disgustingly violent actions by Trump himself. “There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience,” Trump warned people at a rally in Iowa in February. “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”

As The Huffington Post pointed out, he’s even threatened to get in on the action in the past: “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya,” he said of a protester on Feb. 22.

The NYT compiled a video of unfiltered voices at Trump rallies, and it was bone-chilling.

“Kill her.”

“Trump that bitch!” “Build a wall — kill them all.”

He repeatedly brings out the worst, most ignorant, most violent sentiments out of his followers. And now he’s gone so far as to suggest that if Hillary Clinton is elected, only one of his Second Amendment-loving followers could stop her.

This is not American politics, it’s a dangerous sideshow. And someone who would even joke about a presidential assassination doesn’t respect the position enough to hold it.

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