'Trumped Up Cards' Is The Game We All Need In Our Lives
I’m not kidding when I say that everyone needs this.
I mean, we have to laugh to keep from crying, right?
And nothing will make you laugh with your neighbors, family, and friends like a lively, spirited game of Trumped Up Cards.
You simply use your white answer cards to respond to a blue question card, and the best (funniest) response wins. No detailed instructions or tricky rules to try to memorize when you’ve got a good buzz going this summer.
The hilarity comes in when you see what these cards truly have to offer:
Questions (blue cards) like:
As a businessman, what is Trump best known for?
What’s the fastest way to Make America Great Again?
What’s the biggest threat facing America?
Use two white cards to compose a Trump-like tweet (not technically a question, but guaranteed to produce solid gold results).
With answer options (white cards) like these:
Unreleased tax returns
Tom Brady’s underinflated balls
Separation of merch and state
Crying babies
This will honestly be the best $25 you’ve ever spent (or gifted). According to the manufacturer, you’re getting “550 cards printed on premium linen card stock, in China, by our amazing allies who are helping us with the North Korea problem.” What more could you ask for?
In other words, unlike the election results of 2016, you will not be disappointed. One reviewer calls it “a pain reliever for Trump talk” and states it was “the first time ‘Trump’ and ‘fun’ appeared in a same sentence of mine.”
This seems like a yuge no-brainer. You can buy it now and bank on the upcoming laughs to get you through the next four years of Covfefe.
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