New Video Shows Walmart Enforcing Their 'No Open Carry' Promise

The video shows officers telling the man carrying a gun that he’s not permitted back in Walmart stores
Recently, Walmart made news for scaling back their sales of firearms in stores, a move that came just weeks after two mass shootings at stores in Mississippi and El Paso. It seems they’re making good on their promise not to allow open carry as a part of that decision.
Brian Tyler Cohen tweeted video over the weekend of a Walmart customer shopping in one of their stores, attempting to purchase items while openly carrying a firearm. “Wow. Walmart is not only enforcing their new no carry policy, but banned this man from their stores nationwide for failing to comply. Thankful that companies are finally stepping up when our government is too cowardly too lead,” he wrote.
The man can be heard on the video saying he did nothing wrong and that the store “won’t sell to him,” making himself seem like the victim for not obeying what the company has set forth. He seemingly can’t believe that he isn’t allowed to break the new nationwide rule and feels he should be allowed to carry his guns regardless. One of the officers sets him straight, saying in part, “Dude, do you know what’s going on with the world?” referencing the recent violence. “We just had people get killed in a Walmart in a mass shooting.”
The end of the video shows the officers presenting him with paperwork to fill out saying that he won’t return to Walmart or Sam’s Club stores, which he is now banned from for refusal to comply with the new policy.
CEO Doug McMillon shared the decision in a memo, stating the company will discontinue the sale of short-barrel rifle ammunition, which can be used on military-style weapons, as well as handgun ammunition after selling out of their current inventory. They also asked customers to no longer openly carry guns into its 4,700 stores, or any Sam’s Club stores.
The retail giant had major pressure to adapt following the mass shooting that took place in El Paso, killing 22 innocent people and leaving countless others injured. The gun reform advocacy group Guns Down America circulated a petition to demand that Walmart stop selling firearms, stop making contributions to politicians who also receive funds from the NRA, and participate in gun buyback programs.
People are understandably relieved to see Walmart stick to what they promised:
McMillon also said that he will be issuing a “call for action” aimed at the White House and congressional leaders that speaks to the necessity of “common sense” gun safety measures such as an assault weapons ban and expanded background checks, which came weeks before executives of 145 companies urged Senate to pass stricter gun laws.
“These proposals are common-sense, bipartisan and widely supported by the American public. It is time for the Senate to take action,” their letter said in part. Additionally, a poll by ABC News/Washington Post showed that gun control measures are overwhelmingly popular and that people believe it will increase their personal safety immensely if stricter laws are passed.
It’s time to do something that actually solves the problem. Walmart isn’t going to do that by itself, but it’s comforting to know they are doing their part in stores across the country.
This article was originally published on