
Why We Flipped Our Site For Father’s Day

by Team Scary Mommy

Hey, wait a minute. “Scary Daddy”? I thought this site was called Scary Mommy. Did y’all get hacked? Should I email someone?

Nah, don’t panic — you’re in the right place. Of course, Scary Mommy is typically devoted almost exclusively to the motherhood experience. Whether we’re struggling with the mind-numbing sleep deprivation of the baby years or ripping our hair out dealing with a sassy tween, Scary Mommy is where we moms turn when we need a dose of unfiltered validation to assure us that our experience of motherhood is 100% normal.

For Father’s Day though, we want to flip the script and turn our attention to the other half of the parenting puzzle: dads. To be clear, “dad” doesn’t only mean “biological fathers.” Any person who provides loving, consistent support to a child, whether that child is a toddler or a full-grown adult, gets to claim the title “Scary Daddy” for the day. When it comes to being a dad, it’s the action that matters — the caring, supporting, teaching, fixing, encouraging, playing. When it comes down to it, fatherhood is really a verb.

And nowhere do we see that more clearly than in Netflix’s new movie, “Fatherhood” (PG-13), starring Kevin Hart. In fact, the movie is what inspired us to flip the site. Inspired by a true story, Hart’s character loses his wife after she gives birth to their baby daughter, leaving Hart to figure out parenthood all on his own. Even just watching the trailer made us snort-laugh and cry. We see Hart hilariously trying to join a “Mommy and Me” group with his infant daughter as he describes the dreaded “poop-splosion.” We see people in his life telling him he can’t do this on his own. We see him attempting to fix his little girl’s hair and getting … um, less than stellar results. “Fatherhood” is one of those movies that will make you laugh till you cry and then cry till you laugh — it’s beautiful and touching and hilarious and it will definitely make you want to give your dad a giant hug and tell him thank you.

Which is exactly the goal of flipping our site from “Scary Mommy” to “Scary Daddy” this Father’s Day — it’s our way of saying thank you. We want to acknowledge the dads who give their all to fatherhood, just like Hart’s character does in “Fatherhood.” Even when it seems like everything is going off the rails, these amazing father figures are always there for us, ready to lend a hand or tell one of their infamous dad jokes to make us crack up and forget our struggles.

So, this is for all the amazing dads out there. The ones who will pick you up and brush you off after a fall but also know how to gently and expertly apply a bandaid. The ones who aren’t embarrassed to get down on the floor for a tea party with teeny porcelain tea cups, but they’ll also play “airplane” until their arms are about to fall off. The ones who will trap a spider and take it outside because killing it would make their four-year-old cry — even though they’re totally creeped out by spiders. The ones who get the best snacks from the grocery store but also remind their kids to eat their veggies so they can grow up “big and strong.” The ones who let their kids sit on their shoulders to get the best view of the fireworks even though they’re honestly about eight pounds too big for that. The ones who inspire us to be bold, fearless, and adventurous while also modeling integrity and compassion. The ones who, when they ruffle their kid’s hair in that way only a Dad can, their kid knows without a doubt they are loved and that their dad is proud of them.

We’re beyond grateful for these amazing dads. To all the “Scary Daddies” out there — we couldn’t do this thing without you. Today, the site is all about you.

So, go hug your favorite father figure. Let them know you see them. And then pop some popcorn (with extra butter, just how Dad likes it), grab Dad his beverage of choice, and snuggle up with the fam to watch Netflix’s “Fatherhood.” You’ll have a good laugh-till-you-cry session that will make this Father’s Day one your guy won’t soon forget.

Netflix’s new movie “Fatherhood” (PG-13), is the perfect movie to watch with your favorite dad on Father’s Day. Kevin Hart is a father bringing up his baby girl as a single dad after the unexpected death of his wife a day after their daughter’s birth. With the help of close friends and family, he grows his capacity for love and learns what it truly means to be a father. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh while crying.

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