
Wife Of U.S. Military Vet Deported Under Trump's 'Zero Tolerance' Policy

by Valerie Williams
Image via Twitter/Orlando Weekly

A wife and mother of two was deported today under Trump’s cruel policy

The latest story stemming from the Trump administration’s cruel “zero tolerance” immigration policy involves the wife of a U.S. military veteran and mom of two daughters. Although she’s been married to her husband for 18 years and poses no danger to her community, she’s being deported back to Mexico — with only one of her children.

Are we great again yet, America?

Alejandra Juarez boarded a plane in Orlando today, bound for Mexico even though she’s lived in the U.S. for the last two decades. She was deported under Trump’s new policy and is leaving after exhausting all avenues to stay in the country with her family. “I’ve done everything humanly possible that I could have done to stay — over $20,000 spent on immigration lawyers,” she tells the Orlando Sentinel.

Today she walked through the airport with daughters Pamela, 16, and Estela, eight. It was decided that her husband, Cuauhtemoc “Temo” Juarez, would stay in America with Pamela but that Estela would go to Mexico with her mom. Temo travels a lot for work and the little girl needs a parent at home. Aside from their family being torn apart, Temo has other concerns. “It is going to be tough — hopefully, I don’t get in an accident or get hurt,” he told the paper. “That’s one of the fears that I have, if something happens to me, it’s going to get worse for them.”

The dad and husband is a naturalized citizen from Mexico and a U.S. Marine who served a two-year deployment to Iraq. His wife says our country is punishing him for something she did. “His only mistake was marrying me,” she laments.

Alejandra’s undocumented status was discovered by law enforcement during a 2013 traffic stop and ever since, she’s been under an order of supervision by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She’s been required to check in with them twice a year, which she has. Until Trump came into office and implemented his new policy of deporting undocumented people regardless of their criminal history (he initially claimed he only wanted to deport the “bad hombres,” remember?) she was a low priority for being sent back. Now? No undocumented person is safe.

Temo actually voted for Trump and describes himself as “super-conservative” but still felt his wife would be safe with him in office. “I ate my words,” he said. “Obviously, when Trump came in, everybody is a priority now.”

Now, Rep. Darren Soto, D-Kissimmee, is the best hope of having their family reunited. He introduced a private immigration bill last month and has been advocating for the family by writing letters to ICE and even Trump himself.

“It was so devastating that we couldn’t even get the Trump Administration to work on this case with a military spouse who has done everything to help her husband serve this country,” Soto said at the airport where he accompanied Alejandra and her daughters. The mom is scared for Estela’s future. “What happens if I feel she’s not safe and she’s really suffering, what am I going to do? I’m going to have to send her back here and who’s going to watch her?”

As the mom headed through security for a final, private goodbye with her family, she had a message for Trump.

“I hope this makes you happy. May God forgive you.”