Women Share Terrifying Responses Received From Men After Rejecting Their Advances

Women share the horrible ways men have responded to rejection in a viral Twitter thread
No means no. It’s really as simple, easy, and straightforward as that. Yet time and time again, men can get mean, aggressive, and violent when their advances are turned down. If you want sickening proof, just head to a viral Twitter thread that features women discussing the worst ways that men have handled romantic rejection.
Last month, a student opened fire at Santa Fe High School and killed 10 people. One of the victims was Shana Fisher, a fellow student who — according to Fisher’s mom Sadie Rodriguez — had “4 months of problems” with the shooter. “He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no,” Rodriguez told the LA Times. “…A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn’t like. Shana being the first one.”
It probably isn’t a coincidence that one day after this story came out, Twitter user Elizabeth M. asked women to share their worst stories about rejecting men.
“RT if you’ve have had a frightening response from a man when you’ve rebuffed, rejected, or otherwise ignored his advances,” she wrote. “If you feel comfortable enough to share your experience in the comments, I want to hear you.”
And share they did. Elizabeth’s post has so far received thousands of comments. Warning: each story is completely grotesque, disheartening, and beyond alarming.
Some women shared stories about men who inappropriately touched them, got violent with them or threatened them.
Others shared stories of being stalked by men.
Then there were the ex-boyfriends/co-workers/misc. other men who got aggressive, creepy, and scary.
And then there were the countless other stories about men who wouldn’t take no for an answer and proceeded to scare the living daylights out of women. If you are currently questioning whether there’s literally any humanity left in this world, I promise you that you are very much not alone.
Sending all the love and hugs and support to every single woman who has had to deal with this disgraceful behavior. And to men everywhere — as if it needs to be said again – women owe you nothing. Period. End of story.