7 Reasons Yoga Pants Are A Mommy Must

It doesn’t surprise me anymore when someone says they only wear yoga pants; it surprises me when someone wears something other than yoga pants. I mean, WHY?
1. They are universally appropriate. What occasion could possibly call for wearing something that diverts from this standard mom uniform? Maybe church, or possibly a night out, you might say? Completely unnecessary. For exercise, sleep, day wear or evening wear, yoga pants always work. Period. Don’t let any haters tell you differently.
2. Sticking to a standard uniform = Less time spent on silly fretting over what to wear = More time to watch Downton Abbey while you pretend your children are napping. Enough said.
3. You can wear them with anything. T-shirt? Sweater? Denim jacket? Tan top? The list goes on and on.
4. Breathe a sigh of blissful relief… These things are comfortable. Really, really comfortable.
5. We have dignity. Yoga pants have been a saving grace for me. Honestly, my full conversion to becoming a yoga-pant devotee was really born out of a pass at self-respect. For some bizarre reason, Aeropostale sweatpants fit me perfectly. I used to buy them in bulk, not really caring about color/print/etc. Then one day I accidentally looked at myself in the mirror. To my horror, “AERO” was emblazoned in boldface across my butt. Now this may have been adorable when I was 14, but in my 30s, this was downright embarrassing. I mean, I have my standards. From this moment on, I switched to the much safer, script-free yoga pants and haven’t looked back.
6. They’re forgiving… so, so forgiving. A rough go with the calorie count over the holidays? Yoga pants are there for you, my friend. They will stretch themselves over perhaps slightly expanded thighs and not utter a single word of judgment. And for the optimistic in the crowd, when all those nasty unwelcome pounds are shed, your beloved pants have a magical way of reconstricting themselves in perfect concert with your shrinking waistline. The most accommodating garment known to woman. Perfection defined.
7. If you’ve gotta go fancy, there are pants for that. They make really sweet yoga pants nowadays, people. Like, ones that border on being shapewear and help suck you in and such. You will look like a rockstar when wearing these. And if the people at the next wedding you go to give you funny looks, it’s just because they are jealous. Trust me on this one.
There is simply no reason not to constantly wear yoga pants… Is there?
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