9 Reasons We Can't Wait For The Royal Wedding

This morning, as soon as I turned on channel 6 with my morning tea, I saw more news about the royal wedding, and I’ll admit, I was kind of giddy. That’s right, I’m one of those people who went from acting like I didn’t really care about the Royal Wedding to being borderline obsessive. Quite simply, this wedding is giving me life.
I mean, you can’t go anywhere without seeing their faces splashed on the cover of every magazine. And it’s all over the television and Internet. Seeing something this exciting and wonderful is refreshing. Who doesn’t love a good wedding? And even better, it’s a royal one and you are invited.
Whether you’re setting your alarm for Saturday morning to watch it all live, or just eagerly awaiting their nuptials so you don’t have to hear about it anymore, let’s face it, Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle is pretty freaking big deal. And here’s why we can’t wait:
1. The Dress
The designer hasn’t been confirmed, but based on Markle’s impeccable taste, we aren’t going to be disappointed in her dress(es?). I don’t know if I’m more excited to see her walking down the aisle in a stunning gown, or Harry’s face when he sees her for the first time. Please, pass the tissues.
2. The Hats
The British love adorning their heads with fancy hats for funerals, weddings, and the like. Everyone will be sure to wear a special head piece or hat for this event. They know how to dress for special occasions, and their use of hats shows their elegance. I mean, if a tiny hat complete with feathers doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will.
3. The Guest List
This will not be your typical royal wedding guest list. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are leaving politics out of their special day and have asked leaders, children, and wounded war veterans from the United Kingdom to be with them when they say their vows. It’s progressive, and it’s making us fall in love with them even more.
4. Watching A Woman Of Color Join The Royal Family
The whole world will be watching as Markle, a woman of color, walk down the aisle and gets a fairytale ending. It shows a big step forward for the royal family and its history.
5. It’s A Good Reason To Throw A Party
Who doesn’t love having a reason to celebrate? It’s the perfect excuse to invite your besties over, serve fish-n-chips, and watch a love story unfold. If you aren’t into the wedding-watching part, surely you can get on board with the food and the company.
6. The Kiss On The Balcony
Unless you have a heart of stone, you can not deny the romance factor in that first kiss on the balcony. I mean, of all the places to have a kiss with millions to eyes on you, this one is pretty dreamy.
7. It’s A Beautiful Story
Let’s face it, the news is a scary place lately. But this is a beautiful moment in history and it’s nice to see the joy in everyone surrounding the events — it’s contagious and many want to be a part of that excitement whether they rise early and serve a nice breakfast, or record it to watch over and over because let’s face it, we all want to see more stories like this.
8. It’s A Piece Of History We Get To Witness
Even if you weren’t over the moon about Prince William marrying Kate Middleton, I bet you remember where you were, what you did that day, and can recall what she looked like, as well as other sweet moments that took place on that day. This is another big historical event you might tell your grand kids about what day — and that’s pretty freaking cool.
9. So We Can Stop Talking About It
Many may be ready to move on to something less exciting and glamorous, and hope when the ceremony is over, life can go back to normal and they can stop seeing people line the streets with huge smiles, authentic hats, and making a fuss over things like dresses, carriages, little girls in sweet dresses and first kisses as a married couple.
But even if you’re not excited about it, you might be slightly stoked to have an excuse to get together with some friends, sip some tea, throw back a couple of crumpets, and wear that hat that’s been gathering dust in the back of your closet.
Excuse me while I go dig mine out and wear it for the rest of the week.