All Very Pregnant Women Will Relate To Amy Schumer’s Giant Bump ‘Over It’ Pic

Her full-term bump looks miserably uncomfortable and we can all relate, tbh
Somewhere amid the third trimester, every pregnant woman reaches that Completely Over It stage. The glow is gone, the stranger belly rubs are especially unwelcome, and everything either hurts or leaks. Amy Schumer’s most recent Instagram post is all of this, personified. And if you’ve ever been right there at or past your due date — you’ll relate to this. Big time.
“Oh yeah does it feel to everyone like I’ve been pregnant for a long time?” she asks in her caption. “It must be getting annoying to you all that I’m still pregnant Well imagine how I feel mother fuckers!!!!!!” And honestly, she’s doing the Lord’s work by sharing this photo and the perfect caption to accompany it.
Where to start? The painful-looking, extremely stretched bump, the look on her face, or her “I’m totally over this too” husband scrolling on his phone in the background. If you’ve birthed a child, chances are likely you know this feeling. My first daughter was a week past her due date and every time my phone lit up with a “Any baby news yet?” text message from a friend or family member during those last days, I wanted to scream. And Hulk-smash my phone through the wall.
It’s like, oh you’re anxious about the baby’s arrival? You’re wondering when it’s going to make an appearance? WELCOME TO THE CLUB. Now STFU.
Schumer announced her pregnancy last fall, prompted by her diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum. Like Kate Middleton before her (THREE. TIMES.), Schumer knew the public would speculate about her health due to the condition and having to cancel or postpone dates for her comedy tour, so she just came right out with it. She’s pregnant, she’s been incredibly ill since the beginning, and she’s been real about every aspect of her pregnancy for the last seven months.
Many fellow celebrities chimed in with their own commentary, because again, if you’ve been heavily pregnant — you can actually physically feel Schumer’s latest photo.
Though her pregnancy journey has been one hell of a rollercoaster for her, Amy Schumer has honestly been nothing short of a delight on social media. So many celebrities opt for that Coachella headband, perfectly posed, ethereal glow type of maternity brand on Instagram. Not our girl Amy. Nope. She’s truly One Of Us.
Take this recent photo and accompanying caption for instance:
“Amy is still pregnant and puking because money rarely goes to medical studies for women such as hyperemesis or endometriosis and instead goes to things like dicks not getting hard enough or old guys who want harder dicks.”
Here’s hoping a healthy, speedy delivery for both Mom and baby happen sooner rather than later. If her pregnancy journey is this entertaining and relatable, we can’t wait to see her share the realities of motherhood.
This article was originally published on