
A 'Baby Shark' Show Is Coming To Netflix, And Now There's No Escaping It

by Cassandra Stone
Originally Published: 
Image via YouTube/PinkFong

Plug your ears, parents everywhere, because we’re entering Baby Shark Overload

If you thought you could escape the “Baby Shark” song simply by exiting out of your YouTube app, think again, parents of young children everywhere. Because a television show based on “Baby Shark” is coming to Netflix.

The YouTube sensation that has been viewed more than two billion times (!!!) will soon make its way onto every screen in your home. There’s no escaping it now. And your kids will know it.

Seoul-based Pinkfong, the company behind the popular YouTube video, is planning to release short videos via Netflix. The “Baby Shark” show will be a cartoon series and a musical in North America this year, according to Bloomberg.

Pinkfong has hosted interactive shows and musicals for kids around the world, including South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. The company is apparently also talking about developing games that kids can use via Amazon Alexa or Google Home voice assistants.

Basically, Pinkfong is going to own our kids and all the gadgets in our homes.

The popularity of “Baby Shark” knows no bounds, as evidenced by it getting its own line of merch. (If these babies happened to skip your house this Christmas, it’s only because Santa was looking out for number one — and good for him, honestly.)

Image via Amazon

The plush, sing-a-long sharks come in all three characters: the blue daddy, the pink mommy, and the yellow baby. And yes, of course the toy plays all three verses of the song without stopping — but you should also know that you can turn it off simply by pressing the shark’s belly a second time.

That doesn’t mean the song will ever stop repeating in your brain, though. Speaking of which, the song itself actually made it onto the Billboard Hot 100 chart last year. Like of all the songs to make the crossover into mainstream music, this was not one any of us were expecting. We love to see our kids happy, but literally no one asked for this.

And yet, the song soldiers on. According to Billboard, the song garners millions and millions of streams each week. It has yet to drop from the Top 40.

I took my three-year-old, shark-loving daughter to storytime at the library the other day and the sweet children’s librarian played the song for all the kids present. It was almost drowned out by the groans of the moms, dads, and grandparents also in attendance.

But that’s the thing about little kids — the heart wants what the heart wants. And goddamn it if each and every one of their little hearts doesn’t love the hell out of that song. Soon enough we’ll all be bingeing it on Netflix.


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