Betsy DeVos Asked Twitter A Question And It Backfired Spectacularly

Betsy Devos asked Twitter a question. It didn’t go well.
It’s no secret that new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is not exactly liked. Maybe she doesn’t know that? She took to Twitter on the first day on the job to ask a simple question.
It backfired. Spectacularly.
“Day 1 on the job is done, but we’re only getting started,” she tweeted. “Now where do I find the pencils?”
We don’t know. You could probably just bring your own case of pencils — made of gold. DeVos isn’t really a woman of the people; she’s notoriously anti-teacher’s union and out of touch. She’s heir to the Amway fortune and lives in a 22,000 square foot house. She doesn’t seem to realize that even that benign sentence is a slap in the face of teachers, who often have to buy their own school supplies because schools are so under funded.
Twitter reminded her.
And, of course:
Good luck, Betsy. You’re going to need it.
This article was originally published on