This Mom And Her 7-Year-Old Are Nailing Disney Cosplay

A mother and daughter bring their favorite Disney characters with amazing costumes
Little Layla Courts likes princesses and playing dress up, so her photographer mom helped her take it to the next level. Now this mommy-daughter duo is dominating Disney cosplay on Instagram.
According to the Huffington Post, the endeavor began after a trip to Disneyland in 2014, when photographer Camillia Courts bought her daughter a princess dress from the park’s Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.
Wanting to make sure to get a photo of the dress before it got sullied in the way that our kids’ clothing always does, Camillia snapped a photo of Layla all decked out.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
Friends and family loved it, and a stunning Instagram account was born.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
The Courts’ Instagram account, Disney Inspired Photo, has nearly 24,000 followers, all of whom can’t get enough of the gorgeous, accurate AF photos.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
Camillia began by buying the costumes for the photo shoots, but she’s since teamed up with a makeup artist as well as a local seamstress to custom create the outfits. Now they both fit Layla perfectly and can include extra details to make them as accurate as possible.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
The adorable Layla has been decked out as Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, and Sleeping Beauty, but she and her mom don’t just focus on the more traditional Disney properties. Layla’s also dressed up as Violet from The Incredibles and Rowena Ravenclaw from Harry Potter, and you may recall that Disney recently purchased Lucasfilm, whose flagship property features a different kind of princess.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
Sometimes, Camillia herself gets in on the action.
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
One time, Camillia even dressed up as the Mom-Bear from Brave! (Yeah, not really. I don’t think?)
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
The mom-photographer occasionally adds a little on-theme background to the images, as the landscape in British Columbia doesn’t always lend itself to a fairy-tale setting.
The cosplay is not just an excuse to dress up.
“She’s a very shy child and I see her light up when she gets into costume,” Courts explains. “She’s gained a lot of confidence since we started the project and has really come out of her shell.”
And it’s a heck of a glamorous way to document Layla’s childhood.
“It’s really very special and even if she wanted to quit tomorrow, I will look back on how much fun we had playing dress-up,” Courts said. “It’s truly been magical.” We’re sure Layla would agree.
After all, who wouldn’t want to look back and remember that time they felt like a princess, a wizard, or even a droid?
Image via Camillia Courts Photography
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