You Can Stop Looking — We Found 2017’s Dad Of The Year

2017 just ended on such a high note.
The secret to being a truly top-notch father has finally been revealed — and it involves a cute black leotard, Beyoncé, and some killer dance moves. In a video that is sure to warm your cold, winter-y heart, one dad won every single parenting award possible by performing a choreographed dance to “Single Ladies” with his two daughters. And yes, he was wearing said cute black leotard.
The trio teamed up to perform for the family’s annual Christmas Lip Sync battle — though, according to Tina Spadaro Haddad, it definitely took some coaxing to get her husband on-board.
“The girls were trying to come up with a brilliant idea to beat the competition which in this family it’s tough,” she told Scary Mommy. “I threw out the Beyoncé single ladies video. The girls BEGGED him and because he loves to make us laugh, through much nagging on our part he agreed.”
Spadaro Haddad later posted the footage to Facebook, along with the caption: “You asked you received……Haddad Lip Sync contest. Stay back girls he’s all mine!!! #BESTDAD #Beyonce #allthesingleladies #christmaslipsync.”
The video has been viewed a whopping 7 million times so far, and pulled in more than 100,000 shares. It seems like lots and lots of people were in agreement that this performance was indeed #BESTDAD worthy.
We need to give this dad so many points for effort. Just look at those hip thrusts. That gyrating. The high kicks. Beyoncé would be proud.
The internet really could not get enough of the Spadaro Haddad family.
The huge outpouring of approval came as a shock for Spadaro Haddad, who shared the video as a fun treat for her Facebook friends. “I’ve NEVER posted videos or photos of my kids public,” she said. “I only did it so the family could share it with their friends. [I’m] overwhelmed. I’ve received so many positive messages from people who have had hard knocks and said thank you for the two minutes of laughter.”
Also, in case you were wondering, the trio won the Christmas Lip Sync battle this year. So, I guess there’s justice in this world after all.