Someone Took A Pickaxe To Trump's Walk Of Fame Star

A man took a pickaxe to Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star
There’s not a more polarizing figure on this planet than Donald Trump. While he inexplicably has a number of supporters who think he can do no wrong, he also (rightly) inspires feelings of rage and sadness in so many, which is why it’s not hard to see why a dude completely destroyed his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last night.
An unidentified man apparently strolled over to the star carrying a guitar case concealing a pickaxe and just absolutely went to town. Like, it’s now rubble.
Just…a total mess.
Police were called around 3:30am to the star’s location on Hollywood Boulevard near Highland Avenue, according to NBC News. It was witnesses at the scene who explained how it happened with the whole “dude hid a pickaxe hidden in a guitar case” thing. Trump received the star in 2007 for his NBC show The Apprentice.
Witness David Palmer told NBC, “I’m like, ‘Why are you hitting that star? What did Donald Trump do to you?’ Then he went around the corner and I think he left.”
What did Trump do to him? Really, bro? Do you read the news?
Whether or not you endorse vandalism and the destruction of property, you have to admit it was probably pretty satisfying for this person to take a pickaxe and lose his shit on the gilded name of one Donald Trump, admitted sexual assaulter, obvious racist, and overall awful human being. It’s frankly a wonder this isn’t happening on the daily, but it’s also definitely not the first time someone went Hulk Smash on Trump’s star.
In October 2016, James Otis dressed as a construction worker and took a pickaxe and a sledgehammer to it. He pleaded no contest to felony vandalism in February 2017 and was sentenced to three years probation, 20 days community service, and a $4,400 fine. Worth it? Only he can say.
Image via FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images
Over on the Twitter, people aren’t exactly torn up over the president’s name being clubbed to unreadable smithereens.
While I would never condone vandalism or destruction of property, this event serves to underscore the way this president is making people feel. Yes, whoever did it deserves punishment, but it’s not too hard to grasp what motivated him. When I see babies in cages, I have some not-so-great thoughts about our fearless ruler too — I just don’t act on them in an illegal and violent manner. I get upset on Facebook like a normal person.
The star smasher has since turned himself in to police.