
Donald Trump Slams Jimmy Fallon On Twitter

by Sarah Aswell
Image via YouTube/NBC

Donald Trump is bullying Jimmy Fallon about something that happened two years ago

While the rest of the country is reeling over human rights concerns, the cost of healthcare, education, inequality, and keeping families together, President Donald Trump was focused Sunday night on belittling late night television host Jimmy Fallon over an interview that took place in 2016.

The president tweeted that Fallon “is now whimpering to all that he did the famous ‘hair show’ with me (where he seriously messed up my hair), & that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have ‘humanized’ me-he is taking heat. He called & said ‘monster ratings.’ Be a man Jimmy!”

The rant was in reference to a September 2016 interview on The Tonight Show, in which Jimmy Fallon was criticized for giving the president softball questions, ignoring the candidate’s problematic aspects, and generally being too welcoming and warm to Trump during the show without bringing up any hard topics. Most notably, Fallon warmly mussed trump’s hair during the segment–to huge applause.

Fallon apologized for the interview last year in The New York Times, when he said, “[Critics] have a right to be mad. If I let anyone down, it hurt my feelings that they didn’t like it. I got it.”

More recently, though, he talked about the mistake at length on The Hollywood Reporter‘s Awards Chatter podcast last week in a rare interview.

“I did not do it to ‘normalize’ him or to say I believe in his political beliefs or any of that stuff,” he told the podcast regarding the Trump hair interview.

“It was definitely a down time,” he went on to say about the aftermath of the buddy-buddy Trump interview. “And it’s tough for morale. There’s 300 people that work here, and so when people are talking that bad about you and ganging up on you, in a really gang-mentality.”

Fallon became emotional as he went on. “You go, ‘Alright, we get it. I heard you. You made me feel bad. So now what? Are you happy? I’m depressed. Do you want to push me more? What do you want me to do? You want me to kill myself? What would make you happy? Get over it.'” Fallon adds, “I’m sorry. I don’t want to make anyone angry — I never do and I never will. It’s all in the fun of the show. I made a mistake. I’m sorry if I made anyone mad. And, looking back, I would do it differently.”

Fallon responded to Trump’s tweet telling him to be a man a few hours later, simply by saying, “In honor of the President’s tweet I’ll be making a donation to RAICES in his name,” referring to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, a Texas non-profit organization that is committed to help immigrant families find their separated children and fight for their rights.

With his response, Fallon is making an extremely important point: bickering about a two-year-old television show interview is the last thing on the minds of most Americans right now. There are about a thousand other political worries citizens have (many the direct cause of Trump Administration policy), and what happened on a couch on NBC eons ago doesn’t even register. It’s a moment that shows that Fallon has learned and grown from his mistakes — and President Trump has not.