C'mon, Mom!

Courteney Cox’s Instagram Activity Embarrasses Her Teenager, Of Course

The Friends star says her 17-year-old daughter Coco is “mortified” by some of her posts.

by Leigh Blickley
Courteney Cox says her daughter Coco Arquette isn't a fan of all of her social media posts. Here, th...
David M. Benett/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Fellow moms, Courteney Cox apparently embarrasses her teenage daughter, too, so we’re OK! Everything’s all right!

In a new interview with InStyle, the Friends star admitted that her 17-year-old daughter Coco, with ex-husband David Arquette, is “mortified” by some of her social media activity. Namely: those TikTok dance videos.

"Coco gets really embarrassed by a lot of the things I put on Instagram," Cox, 57, said. "Sometimes, I'll find something on TikTok and put it on Instagram and she'll say, 'Mom, that is so over.'“

“Once, I did this dance, and she was mortified,” the actor added, laughing. “And actually, when I look back, I'm kind of mortified."

Maybe this is the dance she’s referring to, which alarmed even Cox’s on-screen husband Matthew Perry.

Courteney Cox dancing.

Most moms have the built-in ability to embarrass their teenagers, but that’s not Cox’s goal, of course. She just wants her Instagram to be silly and fun as, in her eyes, the whole point is to show off your personality.

Thats why she shares unique piano performances, cooking videos and photos with her famous friends and boyfriend Johnny McDaid.

She remembered recalling, "'Am I supposed to be aloof and mysterious?' But that's not me. And the whole point of Instagram is showing a side of yourself ... I just want to do something that makes me feel creative, even if it's really silly.”

Coco Arquette and Courteney Cox.

Cox enjoys racking up likes and positive comments, but she’s also very aware that Coco isn’t the only person judging her content.

"For a while I thought, 'Oh, great! People are just so nice to me, and this feels so good!' I had no idea that if you keep scrolling, eventually you get to the really mean [comments]. Like, 'Why are you making this stupid video anyway?' and, 'Is that even Courteney?' They were so rude," Cox told InStyle.

We’ll take the teenagers over internet bullies any day. (Well, depending on the day.)