Treat Thief!

Kelly Clarkson Cackles About Stealing And Eating Her Kids’ Halloween Candy

The talk show host admitted to stealing her favorite candies while her children are sleeping.

by Leigh Blickley
Kelly Clarkson eats her kids Halloween candy. (Don't we all?)
NBC/NBCUniversal/Getty Images

Every parent’s been there: your kids are wired after eating far too many pieces of chocolate and partying hard on Halloween — and it’s a school night. You coerce the sugar-ravaged children into giving you their bag or bucket of candy and promise them you’ll keep it somewhere safe while they sleep. Little do they know, you steal all the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and 100 Grands and binge-watch your favorite TV show post-bedtime.

You might even give them back a barely full bucket, and they may or may not notice.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, Kelly Clarkson thinks all of this is A-OK. On a recent episode of her talk show, The Kelly Clarkson Show, the singer admitted that she becomes a candy thief every Halloween night after her kids River Rose, 8, and Remington “Remy,” 6, fall asleep.

“I’m sneaky, though, as a parent,” Clarkson said during a chat with actor Michael Ealy. “I totally steal their candy while they’re sleeping. They go to bed and I find my favorite things and I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’s mine.’ And they won’t remember. I’ll be like, ‘Oh, I don’t know. I don’t... I guess you didn’t get that. I guess it didn’t make it to the bag.’”

Kelly Clarkson with her kids, Remy and River.

Ealy high-fived Clarkson, saying he does the same.

“I lie, I ‘act,’ as best as I can on Halloween night,” the Reasonable Doubt star joked, adding that he insists to his two kids that they have a big day at school and can’t eat all of the candy in one night.

“Them cats go to sleep [and] I sit on the couch, I start combing through. I get all of the Reese’s cups that I can and I leave like one or two in their baskets so they don’t feel like they’ve been stolen. I put those in the freezer and I hide them in a special spot.”

Kelly Clarkson and Michael Ealy.

If you’re a parent who doesn’t take their child’s Halloween candy, good on you. You have a soul.

For those of you who submit videos to Jimmy Kimmel after stealing all your little ones’ spooky treats, even better on you. Us parents have to eat, too!