
Meghan Trainor Opens Up About Son's 'Terrifying' Breathing Issues At Birth

by Arielle Tschinkel
A two-part collage of Meghan Trainor's newborn baby and Meghan Trainor holding her newborn baby post...
Meghan Trainor/Instagram

Meghan Trainor opened up about the “terrifying” moment immediately after she gave birth when her new baby boy experienced “breathing issues”

Try as we may, there are some things during labor and delivery that new parents simply can’t prepare for — it’s an event fraught with emotions that even the most chill of mamas feel anxious about. Meghan Trainor just opened up about giving birth to her first child, a son named Riley, back in February, sharing the “terrifying” moment after she welcomed her son and he began experiencing “breathing issues.”

In an interview with Today Parents on June 2, the singer shared that Riley was breech (which means his buttocks and/or feet were positioned to be delivered first, which can lead to complications for vaginal births) before he was delivered via C-section. He then developed issues breathing, which understandably frightened Trainor during an already intense moment.

“It was one of those horror stories where he didn’t cry,” she shared. “He didn’t make noise when he came out. I was like, ‘Why isn’t he crying?’ Then they told me he was having breathing issues. It was terrifying.”

Riley was then rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit, where Trainor says he required a feeding tube. “I got to see him for one second before they took him away. That was probably the worst part,” she said. “It was definitely a rough start. But we’re so lucky we got to bring him home after five days.”

Back in April, Trainor posted a video of Riley, whom she shares with husband Daryl Sabara, hooked up to tubes in the hospital, writing in her caption, “We had a rocky start..but Riley is perfect, happy and healthy 💙 so lucky to be your mama sweet boy.”

Thankfully, it seems Riley is doing just fine now, with Trainor telling Today Parents, “I’m biased, but he’s the smiliest, happiest baby.” Indeed he is, and Trainor is only too happy to turn her social media into “a baby Riley photography page.” We doubt anyone is complaining about seeing lots of that sweet little face.

Of course, it’s always important when new parents share their experiences to help others feel a little less alone in whatever unexpected challenges they might also go through during pregnancy and delivery, but most of all, it’s wonderful that Riley and his mom are doing well.