From The Confessional: A Lot Of Y'all Are Living That Swinger Life

When we take our vows and promise to love and cherish one another for… well, forever, it seems dreamy and romantic and we gaze into each other’s eyes thinking, “I’ll always love and desire you as much as I do at this very moment.”
Fast-forward 10, 20 years. Add in a few kids, stressful jobs, a mortgage, a leaky roof, and cars that break down. Suddenly you haven’t had sex in four months and you’re sort of grossed out by each other’s existence. But you don’t want to leave—you still love each other—you just need to re-spark that fire. But how?
Enter the swinger life.
Listen, this isn’t for everyone. It requires a certain level of free thinking and release of inhibitions. But for many couples, sex with other couples is exactly the medicine their marriage needed. It might not be your jam (it’s not mine either), but if it works for others, we say go for it, Tom and Jan! Get yours. We won’t tell!
I have been getting testosterone pellets and I am ridiculously horny all the time. Last weekend My husband and I went to a swingers club and I had a threesome with 2 other women. Now I want my husband to have sex with another woman in front of me.
Confessional #5318431
Leaving the kids at home with babysitter to go to a weekend-long swinger event. So excited and nervous. I want to let loose but my PCOS makes it hurt sometimes and I get so much anxiety. I want to let my freak flag fly wild this weekend!
Confessional #25839722
Went to a swinger resort for the first time on our anniversary. We don't swap, but found watching and being watched is definitely our kink. Damn.
Confessional #2652776
DH and I are swingers. When we're with others, I hold back b/c I don't want to make him feel/react badly to me enjoying "too much". He's been telling me 2 just let go and go crazy. It's gotten annoying and I'm sick of it so I'm gonna! You asked for it!
Confessional #18439782
It can be nerve wracking to jump into the swinger life, but once you do, it’s often quite the turn-on. Some participate, some just watch, some like being watched. Find your groove… and then get your groove on.
No one know of H and I's secret life of light drug use and hard core sex with eachother and others. Not full swingers, but fuck its super hot what we do. Cant wait for the weekend!
Confessional #25839369
H and I became swingers, on the low down, about a yr ago best thing that’s happened to our sex life!
Confessional #25771195
My weekend- DD with grandparents. DH and I have 3some with his bf. Next day- 1st time at swingers club. Kissed and fingered a woman. Fucked DH while others watched and touched. Fucked DH for rest of weekend. Squirted 2x. Omg- in heaven!!!
Confessional #22949009
DH and I are going to a swingers party this w/e. Can't wait to fuck, get fucked and just totally let go!
Confessional #17205712
Some couples say swinging has given them the best sex life they’ve ever had. Whatever the babysitter costs, it’s worth it to get away and get it on.
My DS is such a prude. If she only knew my DH and I are swingers she'd freak out.
Confessional #25836494
DH and I look "normal" on the outside Monday through Friday. On weekends we do a lot of coke and party all night. We have swinger sex with multiple partners. Can't exactly tell anyone IRL
Confessional #3232381
My husband and I are swingers, from a small town. Only 1 person from the same town knows. We would be frowned upon deeply if others found out. Proud of it none the less. Happily married and very much in love so who cares!
Confessional #1777246
Lots of couples feel they need to keep their swinger lifestyle a secret. If their families found out, or their community, or… gasp! Their church… it could ruin everything. So they swing in secrecy and no one knows just how freaky they get.
I used to be a swinger. Husband died and I stopped. Met some people this weekend that has forced to the surface all these thoughts about orgies and fucking my female neighbor (I'm a mom to 3dds.)Been horny all weekend.
Confessional #12837657
I want to have sex with H is the swingers club, let people watch and fool around with another girl. Like the old days. I live in sweats, i hardly wear makeup but I still work out to feel good and sexy.
Confessional #25825368
I want to go to a swingers sex club, but I'd be too chicken to ever actually do it.
Confessional #25780918
DH and I used to be swingers but stopped for a while. I'm ready to start up again. Hubbys hot friend looks like just the man to break us back in! Haven't felt myself skin on skin between two sexy men in too long!
Confessional #25315183
Or, just the fantasy of doing it might be enough of a turn-on. Whether it’s because going through with it is too intimidating, or you just don’t have the opportunity right now, just the thought alone can be hot AF.
Dh is “bi (we swing), but only does “top” with men. They blow him/bend over, but he won’t bcuz it’s emasculating. So we’re “swingers” but theres rules for me. Its all about both pleasing him. IMO he’s selfish & uses “swinging” to justify his assholery.”
Confessional #25812935
Husband and I have been swingers for years. At a party he starts talking about another woman that hes attracted to. I happily made plans for us to meet her then catch him with her THE DAY BEFORE. could have had her with me but wanted to cheat! DICK! Hate
Confessional #22783548
DH is being pouty about "dirty fun".We have sex but he wants flashing & 3-somes.I wear revealing clothing,& we go out. Despite being swingers & plenty of kinks in our past he gets cranky when we doesn't get sexy fun.He blames dull nights on me,I'm preg.
Confessional #16464761
DH and I have been swingers for years. I let him have sex with any woman he wants as long as I'm there too. He still went out and cheated. What a fucking asshole. Who does that?
Confessional #10615287
Unfortunately, swinging requires some boundaries and mutual respect among all involved. For some, once you go down that road, people change. And all that sexual freedom can turn partners into assholes, ruining it all.
If the swinger life is your jam, and it’s safe and consensual and respects everyone’s boundaries, we say get yours. Have fun and let your freak flag fly. And if you’d never in a million years swing in any direction other than straight at your SO, that’s okay too. Just don’t judge those who do.
Swingers do sound like they have a hell of a lot of fun, though. Hmmmm … wonder if Tom and Jan have room in their circle?