
Gillette Releases Catchy Jingle To Reduce Stigma Around Pubic Hair

by Arielle Tschinkel
Gillette Venus/Youtube

A new Gillette Venus ad features adorable singing and dancing pubic hairs to remind us that “there’s nothing diabolical about this little follicle”

Body hair — pubic hair, in particular — is totally normal in all its forms, no matter its texture, color, or how much or how little you’ve got. But society’s beauty standards have long had a lot to say about what we choose to do with our hair down there, so the latest ad campaign from Gillette Venus aims to normalize doing whatever the hell we want with our pubic hair… and yes, it’s complete with a catchy AF jingle sung by delightful dancing pubes.

To celebrate the launch of their new Pubic Hair and Skin collection of products specifically created to care for the sensitive skin and hair we’ve got down there, Gillette Venus released a minute-long animated clip featuring “The Pube Song,” an adorably charming jingle that celebrates pubes whether you trim ’em, shave ’em, remove ’em altogether, or keep them in all their coarse, wire-y glory.

“I’m just a pube, and it’s not fair, all I ever wished to be was just another hair. But when they got one look at me, the ruling from society was, ‘Ew, not you.’ Oh what’s a curl to do?” sings the main pube.

Gillette Venus/Youtube

“It seems like all the ads are showing perfect skin and shiny hair, but what about this other world inside your underwear?” she continues, before being joined by a cavalcade of dancing pubes encouraging us to call them by their name instead of using outdated, cutesy terms like “bikini area.”

Gillette Venus/Youtube

“It’s okay to say our name — you really can say pubic. No need to be ashamed — it’s even kinda therapeutic. Why the mass hysteria about the pubic area? There’s nothing diabolical about this little follicle. So take care of us, your pubic hair. If you shave or trim or you’re bare down there — whichever way’s your way, it’s all okayyyyyy,” the synchronized strands sing.

Gillette Venus/Youtube

Of course, it’s a fun and lighthearted take with a powerful point to prove about pubes: they really are NBD, and pubic hair is long overdue for its moment in the sun — without stigma, shame, or societal expectations about what someone should be sporting down there. Normalizing the actual terms is the first step to chipping away at those stigmas and expectations, and so far, it seems like the ad is a success — the brand’s pubic hair collection is already sold out online, but shoppers can join a waiting list to snag products as they come back in stock.