There's A New Harry Potter Home Decor Collection And You're Going To Want It All

Pottery Barn goes full Hogwarts with new line of products
Just in time for back to school and also the rest of all of our lives, Pottery Barn has released an entire line of Harry Potter-themed bedding and accessories to make your dorm room or your bedroom or your entire home feel like Hogwarts.
You’ll never want to graduate.
Prepare yourselves, because this stuff is pure magic.
Image via PBTeen
While Harry Potter mania has been around for a good decade-plus now, the stuff Pottery Barn Teen is selling looks downright, pardon the pun, spellbinding.
There are sheets and pillows, blankets and lamps, and all manner of accessories and accouterments to make your teen, or college kid (or husband), the envy of everyone else at school (or the office.)
Room 01 is called the “Common Room” and it looks like something straight from the pages of the books. There’s even a Slyterhin backpack if you want to make sure no one messes with your kid.
Image via PBTeen
Room 02 is the “Magical Damask” and its perfect for the witch in your life who likes a little elegance.
Image via PBTeen
Room 03 is “Game Day” and revolves around Quidditch and is decorated in “classic colors, icons and headlines from The Daily Prophet newspaper and offers house-themed pennants.
Image via PBTeen
Beyond the bedrooms as a whole, the individual pieces are what really make the collection spectacular.
Image via PBTeen
It’s a golden snitch clock. A GOLDEN SNITCH CLOCK, you guys.
Image via PBTeen
Kids (and adults, let’s be honest) of all ages can now use Hedwig’s cage to hang their jewelry and accessories.
Image via PBTeen
You can even make an entire wall out of these flying key jewelry hooks, too, while you’re at it.
Image via PBTeen
Have you ever seen a more magical pillow?
Image via PBTeen
What kid wouldn’t want to curl up under an extremely legit throw blanket from their favorite Hogwarts house?
The collection may be sold under Pottery Barn Teen, but come on, there are bound to be thousands of adults pre-ordering the Snitch out of this stuff. I’m not even a Potterhead, but last weekend we threw my son a Hogwarts-themed birthday party and I’m just glad we didn’t see this Pottery Barn collection beforehand because we’d be totally broke.
Because this line is sure to have people going Hogwarts-wild, the Pottery Barn’s Facebook page says they are currently accepting preorders.
Accio wallet, please.
This article was originally published on