Jessica Simpson's Son 'Finally' Got A Haircut, Cue The Sexist Comments

The internet is taking the opportunity to criticize the little boy’s previous hair style
For many parents, their kid’s first haircut is a big deal. It’s no different for celebrities, and when Jessica Simpson’s 4-year-old son Ace got his long locks chopped, she happily shared the little guy’s chic new look.
And then people started commenting.
Ace has been rocking a long ‘do for years, so getting his hair shortened must have been a tough decision. Luckily, the dude looks great, and his mommy seems thrilled. She shared a photo on Instagram celebrating the milestone.
“First haircut ✔️ ” the star’s caption reads. “Thanks @jessieholiday for making my stud look all grown up.”
Unluckily, the internet has opinions, and instead of focusing on how cute the 4-year-old looks with his newly styled coif, they’re attacking his parents for how he used to look.
The new photo has garnered almost 50,000 likes, but nestled among the positive comments are a whole bunch of people who took the opportunity to bash Ace’s former look, and for a particularly stereotypical reason.
“So much better! Doesn’t look like a girl now 👌”
“Now he looks like a boy! 👍🏼”
“He looks so cute! 😊 . Good thing is you won’t have to keep dealing with people telling you to cut his hair and calling him a girl now. Lol”
“Now you can see that cute face… long hair belongs on girls, not boys.”
“He finally looks like a boy!”
A bunch of internet strangers really seem to be obsessed with the fact that Ace’s long hair made him “look like a girl,” which is bizarre for several reasons. First of all, he’s not your child, and if Jessica and her husband – and Ace himself – liked the way his hair made him look, it’s none of your business.
Second of all, who cares if he looks like a girl? Why is masculinity considered the norm, but anything feminine is deemed “wrong”?
The little guy is four years old. He’s a kid, and outdated notions of gender conformity have got to be the furthest thing from his mind. All that matters is whether or not he’s happy. You best believe the thought of his killer long ‘do making strangers nervous is not bringing him down. But it’s surely annoying for his parents.
Parents are used to being judged for nearly every decision under the sun. But in 2017 it seems particularly odd to target a little boy because his hair is a few inches longer than a crew cut.
Personally, I would sell my soul to have Ace’s old hairstyle! And if one of my sons is gifted with the genetic ability to grow his hair long enough to be mistaken for a girl, I’m going to buy him a guitar and watch the money roll in.
This article was originally published on