Kim Shares First Family Pic She’s Been Able To Get And We Feel Her Pain

Kim Kardashian shares the first photo of her family of five — and it wasn’t easy to achieve
Think back to the first photo taken of your little family. I’m not talking a random, low-stakes candid at grandma’s 80th birthday party, but a posed photo with a photographer where you’re given mere moments before someone (or everyone) melts down all in the name of getting that one perfect snap. As it turns out, this is a futile endeavor, even if you’re Kim Kardashian West.
That’s right — even the undisputed queen of selfies knows the struggle of making three small children cooperate for one god damn picture. Because no amount of money in the world and no photographer skill in the land can overcome a toddler determined to be disagreeable, as Kardashian West and husband Kanye now heartily understand.
Behold: the first family photo of the famous couple and their adorable little ones.
At first glance, this image is basically perfect — it’s on closer inspection that you see the cracks. The caption reads, “I don’t think you really understand how hard it is to take a good family pic. This was all we got before all three kids started crying. I think I cried too.” The photo shows four-year-old North, two-year-old Saint, and two-month-old Chicago with their parents. A rough trio of ages to get a good photo, no doubt.
Now it’s a rare day where I read about a thing happening to Kim Kardashian and think, “SAME, girl” but motherhood is the great equalizer and your kids give not one shit who you are and will act exactly as their age dictates they should act. For little North, that meant throwing up an awkward peace sign, stepping on her mom’s foot, and making sort of a cheesy Chandler Bing smile.
The foot:
Image via Instagram/Kim Kardashian
The Bing smile:
Also, please note the totally finished looks on both Kim and Kanye’s faces. I have had that look more times in 10 years of parenting than I care to remember. It’s nice to know that even being a music/style icon doesn’t make you immune to wanting to run the fuck away from situations like this.
Kim didn’t end her motherhood realness with that amazing Insta caption — she took to Twitter to give us a little behind-the-scenes peek at how it all went down, complete with runaway toddler.
Sounds about right.
She was able to get some sweetness out of her gorgeous middle child that day.
And she recently shared this ovary-exploder.
But as far as trying to wrangle three kids under age four for one solid family photo? She’s just as lost as the rest of us.
This article was originally published on