
This Mom Trying To Run Out Of The Perfect Baby Photo Is All Of Us

by Jerriann Sullivan
Originally Published: 
Mom Running To Get Out Of Baby Photo
Image via Reddit.

Image of mom running to get out of baby photo goes viral

Every parent knows how hard it is to get the perfect picture of your bundle of joy. Try as you might, sometimes they’re just not feeling it. But when they are, you’ve got to move and fast to get the shot. No one knows this more than a fabulous mother of two who’s just become the next best meme. A shot of her running to get out of the adorable photo featuring her baby girl is getting the internet’s royal treatment as funny new pictures with her face pop up every hour.

Image via Redditor cox-in-fox.

It all began with the above photo. Redditor cox-in-fox posted the pic he took on his cellphone to share the hilariousness with the world. Their baby is on a hay bale looking beyond cute. Quick thinking mom is like “this won’t last long” and scurries off to get out of the frame so their photographer can get the shot. Shortly after his post, other Redditors created some laugh-worthy memes with the mom’s image. One kind soul even fixed the image, so mom wasn’t in it.

Image via Reddit.

Image via Reddit.

But then a lovely soul only thinking of our fun shared the photo on the subreddit r/PhotoshopBattles and things escalated quickly from there.

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Mom and baby girl doing a duet on Lady Gaga’s white piano.

Image via Reddit.

Mom on her solo trip to run with the bulls.

Image via Reddit.

Even Forest Gump couldn’t resist running with the funny mom.

Image via Reddit.

The adorable bubbles girl dropping in on the action.

Image via Reddit.

Then someone threw “Strutting Leo” with another meme character known as “In The Way Guy” into the mix.

Image via Reddit.

Mom of the memes jumped in on the overflowing Reddit conversation when one judgmental user left this comment, “I’m sure this guy’s wife is super excited that this picture of her has gone viral. It’s not exactly flattering.” Our hero mom had the best response writing, “I’m not upset. What’s awful about being able to laugh hysterically at yourself?” Adding, “Here’s a more flattering picture, though. Thanks for looking out for me :)”

We love this mom’s attitude and probably like the original shot the best. Who hasn’t ran from their kid thinking “Please keep smiling.”

BONUS CONTENT: Don’t forget: “The Mom Club: 10 Stories to Make You Feel Like a Better Parent.” Get it free!

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