A Nickelodeon Eyeshadow Palette That Looks Like A Cassette Tape Exists

These Nickelodeon eyeshadows will make you feel like it’s the 90s all over again
If you can name every Rugrat without checking Wikipedia and still remember all of the reasons why everyone wanted a Log, then get ready to be pumped. Hot Topic just released an official Nickelodeon eyeshadow palate ($17), themed to all of their best ’90s cartoons.
When you realize you’re an adult, and getting Nickelodeon merch no longer requires saving up your allowance.
Image via Giphy
The palette’s packaging is another sweet blast from the past. The eyeshadows are disguised in a pan that looks like an orange cassette tape, covered in the characters we spent hours with every Saturday morning. One look will time warp you back to afternoons with your Walkman playing Mya and Blackstreet’s “Take Me There” on repeat because the ’90s were a time when cartoons were so good that not only did they get full length feature films, but legit artists sang the soundtracks.
Image via Hot Topic
The thought of having a cassette tucked into our purse makes us giddy. But awesome packaging aside, the eyeshadows included in the palate are really pretty, featuring a few that could easily work into your everyday look.
Image via Hot Topic
There’s I’m Beautiful, a pure white we can thank Angelica for when it helps us wake up the inner corner of our eyes. You Eediot! is a bright red that’s a clear nod to Ren & Stimpy. He Loves Me is a useful shimmy brown, and reminds us of Helga and her forever crush on Arnold. All Dolled Up is a sparking pink that Cynthia the doll would love. Smashing is a neutral we can only guess is a tribute to one Nigel Thornberry.
Rawr, a Rugrats-inspired bright green, kicks off the bottom row. Oh Fishsticks is a perfect base white, and makes us wonder why they don’t show more back episodes of Rocko’s Modern Life. The bright blue Football Head is an obvious homage to Hey Arnold and looks fun for a night out. I’m the Boss is a shimmery purple that matches Angelica’s dress perfectly. And Hi Ho Diggety reminds us that like the color orange, CatDog was really underated.
’90s kids are showing off the hot looks they’ve made with the palate on Instagram. You can use it to create super fangirl looks:
Or a seriously pretty smoky eye.
Our retainers have been replaced by night serums and Saturday morning cartoons have given way to 24/7 streaming, but we’ll forever have a soft spot for the great Nickelodeon cartoons of the 90s And now there’s a place for them in our makeup bag too.
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