dad's got jokes

A Dad's Hilarious Approach To Gentle Parenting Centers Around Making His Kids Cringe

"The worse your attitude, the more mom's going to blush."

by Katie Garrity
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In a viral TikTok, a dad talks to his kids about their chores. If they can’t get them done without c...
TikTok / @bbebard

In recent years, gentle parenting practices have gained popularity with many parenting experts, therapists, and child psychologists for its non-violent and evidence-based approach. Gentle parenting centers around really listening and understanding a child’s emotions while setting healthy boundaries with their children with thorough explanations. The goal is to raise healthy, emotionally developed kids.

One dad is going viral on TikTok for his interesting approach to gentle parenting with the goal centered around making his older kids cringe — in what he hilariously refers to as “gentle parenting with malicious intent.”

In the clip, Ginger Jack talks to his kids about completing their chores without attitudes. If they can’t get their chores done without complaining, he’s got one trick up his sleeve.

“New rule. Whenever one of you starts giving me attitude, I'm going to start hitting on mom," the dad says before speaking to his partner.

“Hey there. sugar. How you doing, baby girl? How do you feel about another child? I could rub your ankles real good,” he says with a smirk while purring sexily.

In the background, you can hear his kids groaning in disgust over their dad's advances toward their mom.

“Are we gonna adjust that attitude?” he asks his kids.

“YES!” they all chime in.

“Are we gonna clean without crying or fighting?” he asks.

“YES!” the kids say back.

“So, the next time I instruct you guys to do the dishes without fighting, you will do the dishes without fighting, or I will hit on mom in front of you, loudly,” he says.

“I could start kissing. I love kisses.”

“Dad, please we’re sorry!” the kids plead.

His wife, laughing through the whole interchange, also sounded a bit embarrassed by his out-of-the-box tactics.

The TikTok video — which has over 5.3 million views and over 1 million likes — was flooded with comments from kids and parents alike who thought the concept of “gentle parenting with malicious intent” was beyond brilliant.

"At that point, I'd deep clean the house, my soul and this Godforsaken world," one person wrote, complete with three crying emojis.

"As a 34-year-old, this would absolutely still work on me," another wrote, ending it with a sweating emoji.

"Since I'm single can you call and flirt with me to get mine to clean," one woman asked.

In a follow-up video, Ginger Jack shows another example of his twist on gentle parenting.

“Gentle parenting with malicious intent because modern problems require malicious solutions,” he wrote in text overlay on the video.

In the clip, he is yet again threatening his older kids for not answering when their mom calls for them with some ridiculous consequence.

“You should respect when she calls your name,” he says to one of his kids.

“Yes!” she replies.

“Do you like having a name you can use in public? Did you know I can go down to an office right now and legally change your name to Booger Breath?” he asks.


“I can do that! That’s the power I have! So, let's pretend I didn't come in here, and Mom called your name politely and you respectfully answered to come see what she needed.”

Once again, parents commended this TikTok dad on his unconventional but effective parenting approach.

“I love your style! I wish my dad was like you. you are giving your kids a lot of wonderful and funny memories,” one user wrote.

“If ‘Chaotic Good’ was a would be this guy 😂” another joked.

While his approach obviously doesn’t follow the guidelines of what is considered “gentle parenting” to a T, he is still confronting an issue with his kids and setting realistic exceptions while still being light and fun. His kids get the message while also feeling safe. Gentle parenting doesn’t have to mean you’re a pushover, and this dad proves just that.

This article was originally published on