This Mom Calls Out The Fact That Moms Actually Can't ‘Go Back To Work’ After Kids Are In Elementary School
"They deserve a mom who isn’t multitasking herself into a frazzled rage."

Most stay-at-home moms have heard that dreaded question: “So, what’s the plan for you once the kids are in school?” You couldn’t possibly sit around all day eating bonbons while the kids are away! Society thinks you must get a job, ma’am!
One mom noted that even when her kids are all in school, being a working mom or a single parent is no joke. She’s calling out every single person who thinks that SAHMs can go right back into the workforce full-time once all their kids are in school.
And after watching her video, she gives some compelling evidence that this world isn’t really set up for moms (working, SAHM, single, etc.) to succeed at all.
“The next time somebody says to you, ‘You can go back to work when the kids are in elementary school,’ I want you to punch them in the face,” Paige Jordan begins.
“Because last Thursday and Friday, I had one home sick. Monday, we had Martin Luther King Day, they were out. Went today. Snow day tomorrow — just got a call. Dangerously cold temperatures, snow day. I am not saying that kids should be walking in negative four-degree weather, of course not. My point is, is that this system is not set up for this.”
Then, she asks how parents who work use their paid time off.
“This is a joke ... are we supposed to use five sick days or personal days to do this? If you don't have family that can help, this is crazy. From here on, I am going to be cutting our expenses. I am going to be, we are gonna be living below our means. We're gonna go back to one income,” she said.
In her caption, she elaborated, “And this Friday is a half day! ✨ Unfortunately, working from home doesn’t go well with my three. They deserve a mom who isn’t multitasking herself into a frazzled rage. How do single parents do it?! We need and deserve a village.”
Her comment section was filled with moms agreeing with Jordan’s POV.
“Heavy on the system is not set up for this,” one user wrote.
“Not to mention even finding a job from 8-230 m-f lol,” another pointed out.
Another wrote, “I’m lucky I have a job that’s very understanding but it’s definitely embarrassing having to call out 2-3 days when your kids are sick 😭”
One user pointed out, “Oddly enough it seemed my schedule got MORE busy when they started school… I’ve got 3 boys and almost daily I have a sick kiddo, school holiday, early/late pick up, grocery shopping, housework… I don’t do sports during the school year, I just can’t add that to the schedule 😵💫”
Another mom pointed out that the ever-rising costs of childcare also hinder her from returning to work, noting that the finances just don't make sense.
“This and the cost of daycare keep me a sahm,” she wrote.
The OP replied, “Yes! I have friends who worked for years barely covering the cost of daycare so they wouldn’t have an employment gap later on, only to find that full time does not in fact work later on!”
Damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.