These Powerful Names That Mean Storm Will Help Your Baby Weather Anything
For your little force of nature.

Choosing a name for your baby is no easy task. You want your little one’s name to stand out while also holding significance to you. If you’re someone who loves the outdoors and appreciates the thrill and beauty of a thunderstorm — or you’re a big fan of the Kardashian’s Stormi — then you might consider looking at baby names that mean storm. Storms are fascinating glimpses at the power of Mother Nature. Watching a thunderstorm can be one of the most enthralling and meditative experiences you can have. Be honest: Who doesn’t feel currents of inspiration, awe, and curiosity during a thunderstorm?
By naming your little one after this natural phenomenon, perhaps they’ll have the same impact. Your little force of nature is bound to stand out from the crowd having a name that means storm and is sure to invoke the same intrigue and fascination. At the very least, your child will probably seem like a storm tearing through the house on more than one occasion. After all, the average thunderstorm is 15 miles wide and lasts around 30 minutes, and that sounds about right for the reign of terror a toddler tantrum can bring. But again, that’s what makes these names so perfect — storms, like babies, are one of the few things that can fill you with overwhelming fear and awe at the same time.
Without further ado, here are some fascinating names that mean storm to consider in your baby-naming journey.
Baby Boy Names That Mean Storm
1. Adad
Origin: Greek
Meaning: the god of thunder and storm
2. Baran
Origin: Persian, Kurdish, and Turkish
Meaning: rain, flood
3. Corentin
Origin: French
Meaning: tempest or hurricane
4. Gale
Origin: Irish, Gaelic, and Old English
Meaning: sea storm
5. Guntur
Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: thunderstorm, strife
6. Guthrie
Origin: Irish and Gaelic
Meaning: windy spot
7. Hadad
Origin: Urdu
Meaning: thunder, noise
8. Hanish
Origin: Hindu
Meaning: forewarner of storms or one who forewarns of storms
9. Mellan
Origin: Irish
Meaning: little lightning bolt
10. Moe
Origin: English
Meaning: rain and sky
11. Neil
Origin: Irish
Meaning: cloud
12. Rai
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: lightning, thunder; trust
13. Raiden
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: god of thunder and lightning; god spirit
14. Ramman
Origin: Akkadian
Meaning: the thundering one
15. Ranto
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: storm, or tempest
16. Stormur
Origin: Icelandic
Meaning: storm
17. Sturm
Origin: German
Meaning: storm
18. Styrmir
Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: someone who causes storms
19. Thor
Origin: Scandinavian
Meaning: Norse god of thunder, war, strength, and storms
19. Torm
Origin: Estonian
Meaning: storm
20. Tufani
Origin: Swahili
Meaning: storm
21. Typhoon
Origin: Chinese
Meaning: great wind
22. Wyndham
Origin: English
Meaning: from the windy village
23. Zephyr
Origin: Greek
Meaning: the west wind
24. Zeru
Origin: Basque
Meaning: sky
25. Zryan
Origin: Islamic, Muslim, Kurdish
Meaning: great storm
Baby Girl Names That Mean Storm
1. Adhira
Origin: Indian, Hindu, Sanskrit
Meaning: divine white lightning
2. Aella
Origin: Greek
Meaning: stormwind or whirlwind
3. Aellophus
Origin: Greek
Meaning: whirlwind-footed
4. Aliza
Origin: French
Meaning: trade winds
5. Amaya
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: night rain
6. Amihan
Origin: Tagalog
Meaning: “north wind” or winter storm
7. Audra
Origin: Lithuanian
Meaning: storm, noble strength
8. Ayla
Origin: Turkish, Scottish
Meaning: halo of light around the moon; stormy night sky
9. Bronte
Origin: Greek
Meaning: the sound of thunder
10. Esen
Origin: Turkish
Meaning: wind
11. Damini
Origin: Hindu
Meaning: lightning
12. Dima
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: downpour
13. Ekaitza
Origin: Estonian
Meaning: storm
14. Elektra
Origin: Greek
Meaning: incandescent or amber
15. Ianna
Origin: Sumerian
Meaning: lady of the heavens
16. Indira
Origin: Indian
Meaning: possessing drops of rain and warrior goddess of rain and sky
17. Kapheira
Origin: Greek
Meaning: stormy breath
18. Levina
Origin: Latin
Meaning: thunder, lightning bolt
19. Lulani
Origin: Hawaiian
Meaning: highest heaven
20. Lyn
Origin: Norwegian
Meaning: lightning
21. Makani
Origin: Hawaiian
Meaning: wind
22. Rain
Origin: English
Meaning: rain
23. Reva
Origin: Hindi
Meaning: rain
24. Saar
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: storm
25. Scirocco
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: warm wind
26. Talia
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: rain from heaven
27. Thora
Origin: Scandinavian
Meaning: goddess of thunder
28. Tempest
Origin: French
Meaning: stormy, turbulent
29. Tormenta
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: thunderstorm
30. Tornado
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: thunderstorm
31. Varsha
Origin: Indian
Meaning: rainy season
32. Vetra
Origin: Lithuanian
Meaning: heavy windstorm
33. Ziaza
Origin: Greek
Meaning: a rainbow after the storm
34. Zilan
Origin: Kurdish
Meaning: storm
35. Notus
Origin: Greek
Meaning: the south wind, name of the Greek god of wind, specifically wet storms
36. Tondra
Origin: Hindi
Meaning: thunderous
37. Phirun
Origin: Cambodian
Meaning: drizzle
38. Aashni
Origin: Hindi
Meaning: lightening
39. Aellopus
Origin: Greek
Meaning: whirlwind footed, name of a Greek goddess who creates rainbows.
Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Storm
1. Asterope
Origin: Greek
Meaning: lightning
2. Aratiri
Origin: Guarani
Meaning: ray, bolt, or lighting
3. Barak
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: lightning
4. Capala
Origin: Hindi
Meaning: lightning and swift
5. Dorrin
Origin: Irish
Meaning: tempest, sullen weather
6. Freyr
Origin: Old Norse
Meaning: god of rain and sunlight
7. Foudre
Origin: French
Meaning: a flash of electricity between clouds or from a cloud to earth during a storm
8. Jupiter
Origin: Latin
Meaning: god of lightning, sky, and weather
9. Kidlat
Origin: Tagalog
Meaning: lightning
10. Kutsa
Origin: Indian
Meaning: lightning
11. Leigong
Origin: Chinese
Meaning: Duke or God of Thunder
12. Munja
Origin: Croatian
Meaning: lightning bolt
13. Pailan
Origin: Armenian
Meaning: lightning
14. Perun
Origin: Lithuanian
Meaning: thunder
15. Petir
Origin: Indonesian
Meaning: thunder and lightning
16. Sky
Origin: Scandinavian
Meaning: atmosphere seen from the earth
17. Stormy
Origin: American
Meaning: tempest, impetuous nature, windy and violent storm
18. Tal
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: rain
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