
Hero Parents Gift Teachers Wine Bottles With Their Son's Face On Them

by Valerie Williams
Image via DJ Sommers

Have a few glasses on us, teachers

Is there a better teacher present than wine? Forget the candles, soaps, ornaments, candies, and other items parents normally gift the educators in their lives — wine is where it’s at.

But to make it that much better, one family decided to personalize it a little bit.

DJ Sommers is a sophomore at Ohio State University and the oldest of his family’s three kids. His youngest sibling, Jake, is in 8th grade at Ascension School in Kettering, Ohio. In light of their last child finishing up at the school, Sommers’ mom Mary decided to shake up the usual teacher gift for Christmas this year.

Yes, those are bottles of wine. Yes, they have photos of Jake printed onto the labels. Yes, you’re going to want to steal this idea for teacher gifts next year.

Image via DJ Sommers

Moving on.

Sommers tweeted photos of his mom’s genius gift idea where they quickly went viral because, duh. This is amazing. She tells AJC News, “How many coffee mugs does a teacher need? But who doesn’t need a glass of wine after teaching a kid like mine?”

Mary, please come sit with us. You’re our people.

Her friend works at a printing company, so getting the labels done up was a cinch. They read, “Our child might be the reason you drink so enjoy this bottle on us,” with Jake’s beaming face above the message.

Image via DJ Sommers

Mary is quick to clarify that Jake is not a “bad” kid, but he is “that” kid. And we know exactly what she means. Some kids just make you need a wine — or a giant bowl of ice cream, or a big Sephora order, or a walk around the block to gather your thoughts. Whatever your chill-out method may be, “that” kid can drive you to crave it.

She even shares that Jake comes by being “that kid” honestly, as she attended Ascension school as a child and her teachers might have appreciated a Christmas wine or two. “My four older siblings were good kids and it was hard to live up to that, so I didn’t try,” she shares. “(Jake) always has something to say. He’s that kid.”

Image via DJ Sommers

Twitter users were quick to reply that they love the idea. Some have even done it themselves.

I like to keep things real with my kids’ teachers by openly acknowledging that my little angels probably make them nuts some days. I have teachers in my family and I know how it is trying to mold young minds when everyone is Santa and winter break hyper — it absolutely sucks. If you know your child’s teacher is cool with alcohol gifts (whenever I’ve gifted wine to school peeps, I do ask first if they’re ok with it– that’s just good form) this is a pretty hilarious and memorable spin on it.

Luckily, Jake is being a super good sport about the whole thing. “I guess my teachers deserve it,” he says.