Viral Post Explains Rare Breast Cancer Symptom Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Viral photo shows breast cancer symptom you might not know of
We all know how important it is to have regularly scheduled mammograms and to make note of any unusual lumps or bumps in our lady humps. But a recent viral photo shows there’s another rare symptom of breast cancer that you might not be on the look out for.
In a Facebook post that’s been shared over 25,000 times and counting, Claire Warner posted a photo of the underside of her left breast pleading with her friends to note the faint dimple in her skin — a rare sign of breast cancer.
“Blink and you’d miss it,” she writes. “I only spotted it thanks to another post shared by an amazing friend.” Because of this friend, even though she couldn’t feel a lump, Warner made the smart decision to go to the doctor. A biopsy revealed she had breast cancer. “I hope I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve caught it exceptionally early,” she shared. “And while it’s a nasty bugger, it is one small contained lump and after surgery, chemo and radio therapy, I’ve every hope of being cured.” Warner has never discovered any lumps in her breast or felt ill. Her only symptom that something wasn’t right with her body was this dimple in the underside of her breast.
She’s since started a Twitter account called My Left Boob to keep her followers updated with her diagnosis:
The American Cancer Society estimates that about one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime.While that number might seem holy shit levels of scary, the best defense against breast cancer is early detection and treatment. Self-breast exams are no longer officially recommended by the ACS, but they suggest all women be aware of what their breasts typically look and feel like, and any changes should be reported to your doctor immediately.
You can keep up with Warner’s journey on Twitter. We wish her the best.
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