Historical Inspo

175 Greek God & Goddess Names, Plus Their Ancient Meanings


by Karen Fratti
Originally Published: 
Greek god names can make excellent baby names.
Getty/Scary Mommy

Choosing a baby name is no simple thing. Not only do you want to like the sound of the name, but it’s important to many parents that it actually means something, too. For some, that means choosing a name that runs in the family or a sentimental name that means something just to you and your partner (and your kid, eventually). Some parents go a different route, choosing cool, niche names that mean fire, old lady or old man names, and even ones that mean sun. For others, that means turning to pop culture or even history, which is why naming a kid after a Greek god, or some version of the name, can be so popular.

Then again, you can run into trouble when you name your kid after a mythological persona. Dionysus might sound great to you when your kid is an infant (or when decorating their nursery to follow the theme), but it could become an issue once they hit middle school and grumble about their unique name.

This is when knowing the Greek gods’ names’ meanings is important. And also having plenty to choose from. With that in mind, the following is a full list of the 12 main Greek gods’ names and their meanings, as well as dozens of other options. But it is by no means an exhaustive list of all the different Greek gods, so if you don’t find something that speaks to you right this minute, with a little research you should be able to find something that suits you and your family.

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Greek Goddess Names

1. Hera

Hera is known as the queen of Greek gods, given that she was the wife of Zeus. In Roman mythology, she is known as Juno, which is a cute variation. She is known as the goddess of marriage (even though she put up with Zeus’ many infidelities) and as a protector. If you want to give your child the name of a very good queen, this is it.

2. Athena

Athena is one of Zeus’ daughters, born without a mother, and maybe even his favorite kid, which means she had a ton of power. She is known as a goddess of war, but also of wisdom and reason. Unlike other Greek gods, her story is based on financial dealings and being in the city, making big decisions alongside her father, which makes it a particularly feminist name if you want to read it that way. In Roman mythology, she is known as the goddess Minerva.

3. Artemis

Artemis was supposed to be the daughter of Zeus and one of his mistresses, Leto, as well as the twin sister of Apollo. Known as Diana in Roman mythology, she is the goddess of hunting and wild animals. This has led to the name being gender-neutral in modern-day Greek, meaning “butcher.”

4. Aphrodite

Known as Venus in Roman mythology, Aphrodite is popularly known as the goddess of love and sexuality. But it doesn’t stop there — she was born from the white foam that Heaven/Uranus’ severed genitals created in the ocean after his son tossed them into the water, so she’s also known as a goddess of war and the sea. You might want to skip the whole “severed genitals” thing when you tell people about the meaning behind the name, though.

5. Hestia

Hestia is a lovely name for a girl, as she is known for being the goddess of home and hearth. But not because she is a homebody — rather, Zeus put Hestia, known as Vestia in Roman mythology, in charge of tending the fires where people cooked or made sacrifices, so she received a share of each one people made. Not a bad gig, to be honest.

6. Iris

This name is such a short and sweet name for a little girl. It means rainbow and comes from Greek origin. Iris represents power, royalty, faith, courage, and wisdom. In Greek mythology, Iris was a messenger of Zeus and Hera who used the rainbow to travel between heaven and earth. This name also represents the colorful part of the human eye and a popular perennial flower.

7. Penelope

From the Greek word meaning “weaver,” this name gained notoriety through Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey. In the masterpiece, Homer is married to Penelope. So, it’s little wonder that the name also means “faithful wife,” as it’s exactly what Penelope was to Homer during his long absence at Troy.

8. Daphne

This lovely name comes from the Greek word for “laurel” — and it comes with quite a story. Mythologically, it’s connected to a Naiad nymph named Daphne, the beautiful daughter of a river god. In addition to her beauty, she was known for being resolute in her conviction not to marry or be touched by a man in her lifetime. When the god Apollo relentlessly pursued her, she prayed to the river god, Peneus, to free her from Apollo’s affection. So, he used his powers of eternal youth and immortality to transform Daphne into a laurel tree.

9. Phoebe

When you think of Greek mythology, you probably think of the gods of Mount Olympus, like Zeus. However, there were two preceding generations of Greek deities: the Protogenoi and the Titans. As the daughter of Protogenoi deities Ouranos (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), Phoebe was a member of the Titans. Today, her name means “pure, radiant, bright, shining.”

10. Chloe

In Greek, Chloe means “blooming” or “fertility.” In fact, its literal translation represents shoots of foliage in spring. And it’s little wonder — Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and the harvest, is sometimes referred to by this epithet.

11. Persephone

You might think a name that means “bringer of death” is a bit dark. However, in Greek mythology, Persephone played a very important role as the daughter of Demeter and Zeus and the wife of Hades — the latter of which made her the Queen of the Underworld. Her abduction by Hades is often used to explain the reason for seasons on Earth.

12. Calliope

Who wouldn’t love having a name that means “beautiful-voiced”? Plus, Calliope has a cool backstory in Greek mythology, as it’s the name of one of the Muse of Epic Poetry.

More Greek Goddess Names

  1. Achelois — a minor moon goddess
  2. Hecate — goddess of magic, witchcraft, and necromancy (the undead)
  3. Alcyone — one of the seven Pleiades
  4. Alectrona — an early Greek goddess of the sun
  5. Nyx — the ancient Greek goddess of the night and one of the primordial gods
  6. Aura — titan goddess of the breeze and of the fresh, cool air of morning
  7. Maia — one of the Pleiades and mother of Hermes
  8. Rhea — the mother of the gods and the goddess of female fertility
  9. Eos — a Titaness and goddess of the dawn
  10. Calypso — sea nymph who held Odysseus for several years on the island of Ogygia
  11. Irene — one of the Horae, the divine personification of peace
  12. Xanthe — one of the Oceanids, or water-nymph daughters
  13. Electra — one of the Pleiades
  14. Nike — goddess of victory
  15. Echo — a mountain nymph or oread
  16. Ceto — the mother of sea monsters
  17. Delia — an epithet of the Greek moon goddess, Artemis
  18. Hebe — goddess of eternal youth
  19. Selene — the divine personification of the moon and the “mother” of vampires
  20. Bia — the goddess of force and unbridled energy
  21. Gaia — the Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life
  22. Eileithyia — goddess of childbirth
  23. Circe — goddess of magic who transformed those who insulted her into beasts
  24. Astraea — known as the “Star Maiden”
  25. Asteria — the Titan goddess of falling stars
  26. Thalia — one of the nine muses, the patron of comedy
  27. Ianthe — one o the Oceanids, or water-nymph daughters
  28. Anthea — goddess of flowers, gardens, marshes, and swamps
  29. Clio — the muse of history
  30. Elpis — the spirit and divine personification of hope
  31. Atropos — eldest of the three Moirai, the goddesses of fate and destiny
  32. Brizo — prophet goddess known to protect fishers, sailors, and other mariners
  33. Alethea — goddess of truth
  34. Cybele — goddess of caverns, mountains, and wild animals
  35. Doris — a sea nymph and mother of the Nereids
  36. Pheme — goddess of fame, gossip, and renown
  37. Enyo — minor goddess of war and destruction
  38. Harmonia — goddess of harmony and concord
  39. Metis — Titan goddess of wisdom
  40. Tyche — goddess of prosperity and fortune

Greek God Names

1. Dionysus

As mentioned before, Dionysus is known for being a crowd-pleaser back in ancient Greece, and somewhat of a party boy. OK, we don’t know all that, but he is the god of the grape harvest, which means he’s the god of wine. In Roman mythology, he is known as Bacchus, and is often depicted lounging and imbibing on all the things.

2. Poseidon

Everyone knows that Poseidon is a god of the sea and one who had loads of sons and daughters, including Triton. But he’s also the god of horses and earthquakes. Basically, an all-around powerful dude. In Roman mythology, he’s known as Neptune, the sea god, despite being known for other things.

3. Hermes

Hermes was the son of Zeus and Pleiad Maia and is usually known as Mercury in Roman mythology. His name is suspected to be derived from the word “herma,” which means a pile of stones that would have been used to mark a boundary. His name also means “messenger.”

4. Hephaestus

Alright, so this might not be the best name for a son, given his troubled backstory. His mother, Hera, reportedly threw him off of Mount Olympus when he was born because of his physical deformities. Still, he grew up to be the husband of Aphrodite and the god of fire and forging. Hephaestus obviously survived the struggle.

5. Ares

This is another name that comes with trouble. Ares is known for being a god of war, but not the just and good kind. No, his name is associated with the devastation that comes with war and, for this reason, was never worshipped all that much in ancient Greece. Ares, the son of Zeus and Hera, is known as Mars in Roman legend.

6. Apollo

Apollo is likely one of the most well-known Greek gods, as he is known as the god of literally everything. He is invoked when it comes to “music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, plague, healing, sun, and light,” per The History Press. In Roman mythology, he goes by the same name, though he is mostly associated with music in that canon.

7. Zeus

Ah, the guy who started it all. Zeus is obviously a multilayered name, given the god’s many levels. Known as Jupiter in Roman mythology, he fathered so many Greek gods and goddesses and had complicated relationships with them all, so it’s hard to come down on just one meaning. That being said, he is generally benevolent and known as the god of the sky, given that he could control the weather and, well, most everything else.

8. Achelous

Achelous was not only the god of the Achelous River (one of the mightiest rivers in Greece), but he was also chief to his 3,000 brothers, and his father was Oceanus. All bodies of water are believed to have come from the Achelous river. He is most famous for his battle with Hercules for the heart of Deianeira, which Achelous did not win.

9. Aeolus

Aeolus is the god of the wind. He is also known as the king of the mythical island called Aiolia. And whenever there was a terribly violent storm, Aeolus was usually behind it. He kept storms locked in a cavern in an isle. Then, when he was ready to release the storm, he would set them free to wreak havoc.

10. Atlas

The story of Atlas is a tragic one but an interesting one, nonetheless. In Homer’s Odyssey, Atlas is depicted as a marine creature who supports the pillars holding the heavens and earth apart. In other stories, he was turned into a rocky mountain by the hero Perseus as punishment for being inhospitable. And, arguably the most well-known example comes from Hesiod’s Theogony, which tells of how Zeus condemned Atlas to hold the heavens on his shoulders as punishment for taking part in an uprising against Zeus.

11. Hades

Who among us hasn’t heard the story of Hades? When the kingdom of the gods was divided among Cronus’ sons, Hades was charged with lording over the underworld. He is joined for part of the year in his realm of shadowy darkness by his queen, Persephone (tricked, though she was, into being there). Among his other companions? Cerberus, a monstrous three-headed watchdog.

12. Prometheus

With a name that apparently means “forethinker,” it’s little surprise that Prometheus is depicted as an endlessly clever Greek god. A master craftsman, he is known as the god of fire and possibly even associated with the creation of humans. He also has the reputation for being quite the trickster, aided in no small party by his cleverness.

More Greek God Names

  1. Aether — the divine personification of the bright upper sky
  2. Agathodaemon — the “noble spirit,” a companion spirit of good fortune
  3. Alastor — god of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds
  4. Boreas — the ancient Grek god of the north wind
  5. Paean — the physician of the Olympian gods
  6. Castor — the demigod twin brother of Pollux
  7. Cerus — the divine personification of opportunity, luck, and favorable moments
  8. Chaos — also known as Erebus, the divine personification of darkness
  9. Charon — son of Chaos and Night who ferried souls over the Rivers Styx and Acheron
  10. Cronus — the leader of the first generation of Titans
  11. Dinlas — the god of hatred and also chaos
  12. Deimos — the divine personification of terror and dread
  13. Eros — the Greek god of carnal love
  14. Priapus — minor rustic fertility god
  15. Helios — the sun god
  16. Hesperus — the divine personification of the evening star
  17. Hypnos — the divine personification of sleep
  18. Pontus — god of the deep sea
  19. Aristaeus — minor god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees
  20. Kratos — the divine personification of strength
  21. Momus — the divine personification of satire and mockery
  22. Morpheus — the primordial Greek god of dreams
  23. Thanatos — minor god of death
  24. Oceanus — the oldest Titan, father of 3000 stream spirits and 3000 ocean nymphs
  25. Pallas — the Titan god of battle and warcraft
  26. Pan — a fertility deity in, more or less, bestial form
  27. Zelus — god of dedication, emulation, jealousy, and zeal
  28. Phosphorus — the divine personification of the morning star
  29. Triton — a merman, demigod of the sea
  30. Typhon — a Titan with power over the wind
  31. Uranus — the divine personification of heaven
  32. Zephyrus — the ancient Greek god of the west wind
  33. Crios — god of the heavenly constellations
  34. Erebus — primordial god of darkness
  35. Pricus — the immortal father of sea-goats
  36. Nereus — the Titan god of the sea before Poseidon
  37. Notus — the divine personification of the south wind
  38. Pollux — twin brother of Castor
  39. Tartarus — god of the deep abyss of the underworld
  40. Plutus — god of wealth

Goddess Names From Other Cultures & Mythology

  1. Aditi — Hindu goddess of the sky, earth, and unconsciousness
  2. Aine — Celtic goddess of wealth and summer
  3. Alilat — Arabian goddess of war and peace
  4. Angelia — Italian goddess of the moon
  5. Anjea — Australian aboriginal goddess of fertility or spirit
  6. Aurora — Roman goddess of dawn
  7. Brigid — Celtic goddess of healing and agriculture
  8. Cerridwen — Celtic goddess of knowledge, rebirth, and inspiration
  9. Chumash — Indian goddess of the flower
  10. Clemencia — Latin goddess of good nature
  11. Concordia — Roman goddess of society and marriage
  12. Coventina — Roman goddess of wells and springs
  13. Cyhiraeth — Celtic goddess of streams
  14. Dalia — Lithuanian goddess of destiny
  15. Deeta — Finnish goddess of the underworld
  16. Druantia — Celtic goddess of fertility for both humans and plants
  17. Eachna — Irish goddess of brains and beauty
  18. Epona — Celtic goddess of horses
  19. Evaki — Bakairi goddess of 10,000 names or of night and day
  20. Fauna — Roman goddess of the fertility of flocks and fields
  21. Freya — Norse goddess of fertility and love
  22. Hel — Norse goddess of death
  23. Izanami — Japanese goddess of creation
  24. Juventas — Roman goddess of youth
  25. Kali — Hindu goddess of destruction
  26. Kianda — Angolan goddess of mythology
  27. Lakshmi — Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity
  28. Lissa — African supreme mother goddess
  29. Minerva — Roman goddess of wisdom
  30. Morrigan — Irish ancient goddess of war
  31. Nantosuelta — Celtic goddess of water
  32. Nixie — Latin goddess of childbirth
  33. Nuha — Arabic sun goddess
  34. Parvati — Hindu goddess of love, beauty, marriage, and fertility
  35. Sabrina — Celtic river goddess
  36. Sedna — Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals

God Names From Other Cultures & Mythology

  1. Aganjú — Yoruba warrior king
  2. Ahti — Finnish god of the depths, giver of fish
  3. Aker — Egyptian god of the earth and horizon
  4. Amarok — Inuit wolf god
  5. Anubis — Egyptian god of the dead
  6. Apu — Inca god of mountains
  7. Barsamin — Armenian god of sky and weather
  8. Batara Sambu — Indonesian god of teachers
  9. Fūjin — Japanese god of the wind
  10. Gaol — Iroquois god of wind
  11. Hachiman — Japanese god of war and the divine protector of Japan
  12. Hapi — Egyptian divine personification of the Nile flood
  13. Igaluk — Inuit moon god and brother to the sun
  14. Inti — Inca sun god
  15. Jumala — Finnish sky god
  16. Jüri — Estonian god of agriculture
  17. Khonsu — Egyptian moon god
  18. Mihr — Armenian god of the sun and light
  19. Nemty — Egyptian falcon god
  20. Nyyrikki — Finnish god of hunting
  21. Omoikane — Japanese god of wisdom and intelligence
  22. Osiris — Egyptian god of death and resurrection
  23. Oṣùmàrè — Yoruba divine rainbow serpent associated with creation
  24. Pekko — Finnish god of crops
  25. Ra — Egyptian sun god
  26. Rahko — the Karelian god of time
  27. Raijin — Japanese god of thunder and lightning
  28. Refafu — Indonesian god of the rainforest
  29. Sobek — Egyptian crocodile god
  30. Suijin — Japanese god of water
  31. Tapio — Finnish god of the forest
  32. Tooni — Estonian god of death, ruler of the dead
  33. Tursas — the Tavastian god of war
  34. Ukko — the Finnish god of sky and thunder
  35. Vanemuine — Estonian god of songs, art, and literature

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