Scary Mommy's 'Lullaby League' Is Here To Get Kids To Go The Bleep To Sleep

Every parent who’s fought with a fussy baby (so, every parent) needs to watch Lullaby League
Every parent has a trick they swear by for getting a fussy baby to go to sleep. Getting that swaddling blanket just right. A warm bottle or a pacifier. A back rub. But babies are babies, and no trick is going to work 100 percent of the time. So how do you get that crying baby to just go the bleep to sleep already?
Lullaby League is here to answer that question in beautifully musical fashion.
Scary Mommy’s new web series, hosted by Parks and Rec‘s favorite dad, Jim O’Heir, is here to offer one novel solution: Commission some of the best a cappella singing groups in the entire country to do their best to sing your crying kid to sleep. In Lullaby League, groups from all musical genres will compete to calm fussy babies with nothing but their voices, and the best group will win a recording contract — and the hearts of frazzled, exhausted parents everywhere.
Image via Lullaby League
Exhausted moms everywhere are going to thank O’Heir and Scary Mommy for this. Each episode will feature one a cappella group — from doo wop to gospel to rock — seeing how fast it can get that cranky kiddo to sleep. Every band is going to have to bring its best to the bedtime battle, because the winner will take home a recording contract at the world class studio where Alicia Keys recorded some of her hits.
Honestly, why hasn’t this been done before? Literally every parent knows the frustration that comes with a kid that just won’t. Go. To. Sleep. Having an extra option in the toolbox is always a good thing, even if it’s as impractical as filling your home with a cappella singers ready to lull the babe to dreamland. Desperation knows no bounds.
Image via Lullaby League
And O’Heir is the perfect host. As Jerry/Larry/Gary Gergich on Parks and Rec, he made us cry-laugh on the regular with his character, who was a dopey klutz at the office, and a doting dad in his secret second life at home. We know he’ll be helping calm babies and cheering on a cappella teams in equal parts, while bringing all the dad jokes we can handle.
Image via Lullaby League
Image via Lullaby League
The six-episode series will feature real families, real babies and real a cappella groups. And if you want to try out the music on your own cranky tot, you can download the original soundtrack from Lullaby League on iTunes, with all proceeds going to the March For Our Lives.
Image via Lullaby League
Lullaby League premieres this Wednesday, April 18, and you can catch it at Scary Mommy on YouTube, Facebook and on air at Pop TV.